We will discuss algorithms and techniques for test case design based on graphs, logic, syntax of programming languages and on inputs. Special techniques for testing object-oriented features and web applications will also be discussed.

The course will end with symbolic testing techniques. These broadly will cover test cases for both white-box and black-box. The course will be useful for any firm that does tests their software.

Course layout Week 1: Techniques and algorithms for test case design: Graphs based testing- structural coverage criteria.

Week 2: Graphs based testing: Data flow coverage criteria. Week 3: Graphs based testing: Data flow coverage criteria. Week 4: Graphs coverage for source code, design elements and requirements.

Week 5: Techniques and algorithms for test case design: Logic based testing- Predicates, logic based coverage criteria. Constraints are imposed 4. The columns in the decision table are converted into test cases. Software Testing The basic notation for the graph is shown in fig. Software Testing Myers explained this effectively with following example. The character in column 2 must be a digit.

In this situation, the file update is made. If the character in column 1 is incorrect, message x is issued. The causes are c1: character in column 1 is A c2: character in column 1 is B c3: character in column 2 is a digit and the effects are e1: update made e2: message x is issued e3: message y is issued Software Engineering 3rd ed. Software Testing The E constraint states that it must always be true that at most one of c1 or c2 can be 1 c1 or c2 cannot be 1 simultaneously.

The I constraint states that at least one of c1, c2 and c3 must always be 1 c1, c2 and c3 cannot be 0 simultaneously. The O constraint states that one, and only one, of c1 and c2 must be 1. The constraint R states that, for c1 to be 1, c2 must be 1 i. Draw the Cause effect graph and identify the test cases. Software Testing Solution The causes are c1: c2: c3: c4: c5: c6: side x is less than sum of sides y and z side y is less than sum of sides x and y side z is less than sum of sides x and y side x is equal to side y side x is equal to side z side y is equal to side z and effects are e1: Not a triangle e2: Scalene triangle e3: Isosceles triangle e4: Equilateral triangle e5: Impossible stage Software Engineering 3rd ed.

Software Testing The cause effect graph is shown in fig. The test cases for this problem are available in Table 5. It permits us to examine the internal structure of the program. Path Testing Path testing is the name given to a group of test techniques based on judiciously selecting a set of test paths through the program.

If the set of paths is properly chosen, then it means that we have achieved some measure of test thoroughness. This type of testing involves: 1. Software Testing Flow Graph The control flow of a program can be analysed using a graphical representation known as flow graph. The flow graph is a directed graph in which nodes are either entire statements or fragments of a statement, and edges represents flow of control.

Software Testing Software Engineering 3rd ed. Software Testing DD Path Graph Table 7: Mapping of flow graph nodes and DD path nodes Flow graph nodes DD Path graph corresponding node Remarks 1 to 9 n1 There is a sequential flow from node 1 to 9 10 n2 Decision node, if true go to 13 else go to 44 11 n3 Decision node, if true go to 12 else go to 19 12 n4 Decision node, if true go to 13 else go to 15 13,14 n5 Sequential nodes and are combined to form new node n5 15,16,17 n6 Sequential nodes 18 n7 Edges from node 14 to 17 are terminated here 19 n8 Decision node, if true go to 20 else go to 37 20 n9 Intermediate node with one input edge and one output edge 21 n10 Decision node, if true go to 22 else go to 27 22 n11 Intermediate node 23 n12 Decision node, if true go to 24 else go to 26 Software Engineering 3rd ed.

Also a decision node 28,29 n16 Sequential nodes 30 n17 Decision node, if true go to 31 else go to 33 31,32 n18 Sequential nodes 33,34,35 n19 Sequential nodes 36 n20 Three edge from node 29,32 and 35 are terminated here 37 n21 Decision node, if true go to 38 else go to 40 38,39 n22 Sequential nodes 40,41,42 n23 Sequential nodes 43 n24 Three edge from node 36,39 and 42 are terminated here Cont….

Two edge from nodes 58 and 53 are terminated. Software Testing Flow graph nodes DD Path graph corresponding node Remarks 60,61,62 n37 Sequential nodes 63,64,65,66 n38 Sequential nodes 67 n39 Two edge from node 62 and 66 are terminated here 68 n40 Decision node, if true go to 69 else go to 72 69,70,71 n41 Sequential nodes 72,73,74,75 n42 Sequential nodes 76 n43 Four edges from nodes 50, 67, 71 and 75 are terminated here.

Its input a triple of positive integers say a,b,c and value may be from interval [0,]. The program is given in fig. The output may have one of the following words: [Not a quadratic equation; real roots; Imaginary roots; Equal roots] Draw the flow graph and DD path graph. Also find independent paths from the DD Path graph. Software Testing Cont…. Software Testing Solution Fig. Its input is a triple of positive integers say a,b,c from the interval [1,].

The output may be [Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral, Not a triangle]. Also find the independent paths from the DD Path graph. Software Testing Solution : Flow graph of triangle problem is: Fig. For example, a flow graph shown in in Fig. Path 1 : acf Path 2 : abef Path 3 : adcf Path 4 : a b e a c f or a b e a b e f Path 5 : abebef Software Engineering 3rd ed. Software Testing Several properties of cyclomatic complexity are stated below: 1. V G is the maximum number of independent paths in graph G.

Inserting a new row in G increases V G by unity. V G depends only on the decision structure of G. We define a flow graph with unique entry and exit nodes, all nodes reachable from the entry, and exit reachable from all nodes. This definition would result in all flow graphs having only one connected component. One could, however, imagine a main program M and two called subroutines A and B having a flow graph shown in Fig. In general, the complexity of a collection C of flow graphs with K connected components is equal to the summation of their complexities.

Software Testing Two alternate methods are available for the complexity calculations. Cyclomatic complexity V G of a flow graph G is equal to the number of predicate decision nodes plus one. Cyclomatic complexity is equal to the number of regions of the flow graph. Software Testing Solution Cyclomatic complexity can be calculated by any of the three methods.

Find cyclomatic complexity. Find the cyclomatic complexity: Software Engineering 3rd ed. Find the cyclomatic complexity. Hence, there are seven independent paths as given in example 8. Software Testing Graph Matrices A graph matrix is a square matrix with one row and one column for every node in the graph. The size of the matrix i. Some examples of graphs and associated matrices are shown in fig.

Software Testing The square matrix represent that there are two path ab and cd from node 1 to node 2. It has nothing to do with data flow diagrams. Statements where variables receive values. Statements where these values are used or referenced. As we know, variables are defined and referenced throughout the program. A variable is used but never defined. A variable is defined twice before it is used.

The G P has a single entry node and a single exit node. A usage node USE v, n is a predicate use denote as p if statement n is a predicate statement otherwise USE v, n is a computation use denoted as c.

The du-paths and dc-paths describe the flow of data across source statements from points at which the values are defined to points at which the values are used.

The du-paths that are not definition clear are potential trouble spots. Software Testing Hence, our objective is to find all du-paths and then identity those du-paths which are not dc-paths. The steps are given in Fig. We may like to generate specific test cases for du-paths that are not dc-paths. Its input is a triple of positive integers say a,b,c and values for each of these may be from interval [0,]. The program is given in Fig.

The output may have one of the option given below: i Not a quadratic program ii real roots iii imaginary roots iv equal roots v invalid inputs Find all du-paths and identify those du-paths that are definition clear. The variables used in the program are a,b,c,d, validinput, D. The cyclomatic complexity of this graph is 7 indicating there are seven independent paths. Variable a b Path beginning, end nodes Definition clear?

Software Testing Variable Path beginning, end nodes Definition clear? Find all du-paths and identify those du-paths that are definition clear. The variables used in the program are a,b,c, valid input. The cyclomatic complexity of this graph is 7 and thus, there are 7 independent paths. Software Testing Variable c valid input Path beginning, end nodes Definition clear?

Software Testing Mutation Testing Mutation testing is a fault based technique that is similar to fault seeding, except that mutations to program statements are made in order to determine properties about test cases. Multiple copies of a program are made, and each copy is altered; this altered copy is called a mutant.

Mutants are executed with test data to determine whether the test data are capable of detecting the change between the original program and the mutated program.

Software Testing When we mutate code there needs to be a way of measuring the degree to which the code has been modified. We may have a ranking scheme, where a first order mutant is a single change to an expression, a second order mutant is a mutation to a first order mutant, and so on. High order mutants becomes intractable and thus in practice only low order mutants are used.

One difficulty associated with whether mutants will be killed is the problem of reaching the location; if a mutant is not executed, it cannot be killed. Special test cases are to be designed to reach a mutant. For example, suppose, we have the code. Software Testing To execute this, input domain must contain a value such that a is greater than b and b equals c. The manner by which a test suite is evaluated scored via mutation testing is as follows: for a specified test suite and a specific set of mutants, there will be three types of mutants in the code i.

The sum of the number of live, killed, and equivalent mutants will be the total number of mutants created. The score associated with a test suite T and mutants M is simply. Software Testing Levels of Testing There are 3 levels of testing: i. Unit Testing ii. Integration Testing iii. System Testing Software Engineering 3rd ed. Software Testing Unit Testing There are number of reasons in support of unit testing than testing the entire product.

The size of a single module is small enough that we can locate an error fairly easily. The module is small enough that we can attempt to test it in some demonstrably exhaustive fashion. Confusing interactions of multiple errors in widely different parts of the software are eliminated.

Software Testing There are problems associated with testing a module in isolation. How do we run a module without anything to call it, to be called by it or, possibly, to output intermediate values obtained during execution? One approach is to construct an appropriate driver routine to call if and, simple stubs to be called by it, and to insert output statements in it.

Stubs serve to replace modules that are subordinate to called by the module to be tested. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Software Testing. Mar 07, Shirale Shruti rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. This book is best for testing. Dec 23, Keith marked it as abandoned Shelves: india , zl-sf-main , z-library , technical. I did not read enough of this to be able to assign a fair star review. I did read enough of it to know that I can't read more of it. It may have benefitted from editorial review by a native speaker of the Queen's English; however, as indicated by the many other positive ratings here, it is possible that the linguistic style employed herein may be quite natural to and readily comprehensible by those who learned English in former Crown Colonies such as India.

An illustrative sample from the introd I did not read enough of this to be able to assign a fair star review. An illustrative sample from the introduction: "Unfortunately, the navigation system of Ariane 4 was used in Ariane 5 without proper testing and analysis. The Ariane 5 was a high speed rocket with a higher value of an internal alignment function, known as horizontal bias. This value is for the calculation of horizontal velocity.

On the day of the explosion, this value was more than expectations due to different trajectory of this rocket as compared to Ariane 4. Therefore, the main technical reason was the conversion problem at the time of converting the horizontal bias variable, and this resulted into the shutdown of the computer of the inertial reference system.

It's good as per college curriculum, but not as per current QA standards followed in the IT industry. Mar 04, Jayud marked it as to-read. Juni rated it it was amazing Nov 29, Heena Bansal rated it really liked it Nov 23, Shivangi rated it it was amazing Nov 04, Jagannath Karmakar rated it it was amazing Dec 08, Tarandeep Singh rated it liked it Dec 01, Utkarsh Raj rated it did not like it Sep 03, Ivy Jain rated it liked it Aug 24, Pratibha rated it it was ok Dec 14, Garima rated it really liked it Sep 30,

Technology Business. Software re engineering. Sofware Team Organizations. Web Engineering. Related Books Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd.

Related Audiobooks Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Elizabeth Howell. Software Reengineering 1. What is it? Who does it? Each demands a set of tasks and needs diverse resources. In some cases correct approach. It is not possible to recreate documentation for hundreds of computer programs. It may not be necessary to fully redocument an application. Rather then portions of the system that are currently undergoing change are fully documented.

We feed undocumented source listing into the slot and out the other end comes full documentation for the computer program.

Should be as high as possible. Decreases as abstraction level increases. In fact, it may be radically different. Forward Engineering IV Reengineering -Manages transactions and queries from server applications -Represents software at both the client and server. WordPress Shortcode. Share Email.

Top clipped slide. Download Now Download Download to read offline. Software re engineering Feb. Indu Sharma Bhardwaj Follow. Actively looking for a job in academics cs department in Gurgaon or Delhi ,with 3. Software Reengineering. Reverse engineering. Software reverse engineering. Reverse-and forward-engineering specificity of carbohydrate-processing enzymes. Software engineering. Related Books Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Dry: A Memoir Augusten Burroughs.

Related Audiobooks Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Software re engineering 1. In this maintenance no new functionality is added to the system. Rather, the system is modified so that it can be more easily corrected, adapted, and enhanced. Companies rely on these systems so they must keep them in operation.

Software evolution strategies include maintenance, replacement, architectural evolution and software re- engineering. Re-engineering a system is cost effective when it has a high business value but is maintain to expensive.

Re-engineering improves the system structure, creates new system documentation and makes it easier to understand. Errors may be made in the system specification, there may be development problems etc. Rather than start with a written specification, the old system acts as a specification for the new system.

The Re-engineering Process Reverse engineering Program documentation Data reengineering Original data Program structure improvement Program modularisation Structured program Reengineered data Modularised program Original program Sourcecode translation Re-engineering Process The input to the process is a legacy program and the output is the modularized version of the same program.

As the same time as program re-engineering, the data for the system may also be re-engineered. I Source Code Translation Automatically translatecode Designtranslator instructions Identifysource codedifferences Manually translatecode Systemtobe re-engineered Systemtobe re-engineered Re-engineered system The target language may be an updated version of the original language eg.

Why source code translation? Staff skill shortages: There may be a lack of trained maintenance staff for the original language. This is a particular problem where programs were written in a non-standard language that has now gone out of general use. Software Reengineering. Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Share Email. Top clipped slide. Download Now Download Download to read offline. Software re engineering Oct. Risc cisc Difference.

Risk management in software engineering. Software engineering project management. Software Evolution. Related Books Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Dry: A Memoir Augusten Burroughs. Related Audiobooks Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Software re engineering 1. It may be the only viable way to ensure that legacy systems can continue in service.

Hardware platform update 2. Staff skill shortages 3. Organisational policy changes 4. Lack of software support 7 8.

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Live streaming software helps your broadcast live event feeds to your audience. You can also engage with your audience, allowing them to comment, react, and chat directly on your live stream. Many of these live streaming platforms even let you share your live streams to your website, mobile app, and social media accounts. Moreover, most live streaming software consists of a hardware encoder.

It enables the conversion of RAW video input to digital format for playback on multiple devices. You can also use streaming software to broadcast simultaneously on multiple platforms like social media, OTT platforms , mobile apps, and websites. On top of that, it enables you to edit, customize, and modify live streams as per your preferences.

Modern live streaming tools are more advanced than ever before. Most of them provide intuitive and user-friendly interfaces to meet the varied requirements of the virtual world. Some of the options offer tons of features that you might not even need. However, there are some basic requirements that you need to take into consideration.

Using streaming software is more or less the same process irrespective of the different software vendors. Here, I am using XSplit to demonstrate how to use streaming software. After filling all the details, you will receive a confirmation message. Step 1. Step 2.

Step 3. After verifying the Twitch credentials, browse the setup wizard carefully to identify the connection speed, best ingest server, and resolution for your live stream. Here is what the screen on Twitch Properties would look like.

That was all about the 7 best streaming software. All these software options serve the same purpose of live streaming videos. That said, each of them comes with a few unique USPs. And some of them are even available free of cost. While both the tools are free, they come with most of the necessary features required for live streaming and extensive integration capabilities. Wirecast and vMix are most suited for larger companies that want to produce live events at scale.

On the other hand, XSplit Broadcaster is a good solution for gamers who need to live stream efficiently on a small budget. And do let me know which streaming software are you planning to use? Which option would work best for you, and why? Comment below! With over , monthly readers , my mission is to teach the next generation of online entrepreneurs how to scale at startup speed. Disclosure: I may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links below at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan.

Professional video content creators and hobbyists alike use live video software to reach out to the target audience and fellow supporters by streaming live all types of content. Live video streaming tool is used by businesses and event organizers for HD video recording, capturing, and broadcasting.

While the audience popularly uses live streaming platforms for live sharing, commenting, interacting and tagging. By using a software for streaming their content, influencers can connect and interact with their dedicated fan following. Best live streaming apps is the new fad and everybody wants a piece of the cake.

Afterall, live video software is an awesome way to connect with people and has tremendous potential from business point of view. In a live video streaming software, Encoders help convert videos into different digital formats to stream them live. In more technical terms, these encoders within paid and free live streaming software transform video content into streamable digital content. This transformation is carried on by codecs support that in turn uses compression and decompression techniques.

These tools can operate easily on any computing device. Now, you may want to know the difference between software and hardware encoders present in broadcaster software and video streaming software.

While we discussed about software encoders above, which are relatively cheap, hardware encoders are dedicated processors depending on designed algorithms for encoding video data content into streamable forms.

Hardware encoders present in live streaming and open broadcaster software are used by professional video broadcasters and makers. Broadcast all video and audio content live to an audience with best streaming solutions and streaming video software mentioned below. These live encoding tools let the video creators reach large group of audiences around the world and interact with them live.

Here are some of the best YouTube live streaming software. With streaming support offered by this best live streaming software, you can create webcasts with this streaming software and attach sliding transitions in between different feeds. This free streaming software offers several advanced audio and video controls. Premium version of Wirecast, the best streaming software for YouTube : Available with authorized dealers, distributors and resellers.

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In this open broadcaster software, you can add or duplicate new sources to captured video files. End users can take advantage of hot keys by using this software for streaming for every step involved in video capturing processes such as muting, stopping, restarting, starting, streaming as well as recording. Live streaming app for : App not available. Premium version of OBS, the best software for live streaming on facebook: Free and open source live streaming software.

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Agile estimation is a team sport. Dates have an emotional attachment to them. Relative estimation removes the emotional attachment. Now you have a basis on which to estimate the rest of your issues comparatively. Keep going until all your issues are estimated relatively.

To get started with estimation in ZenHub, head to any Issue. Once in an Issue, on the sidebar will be a section for setting an Estimate.

By default, ZenHub comes with default story point values that follow the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and our own twist on the sequence to symbolize the largest story point value of The Fibonacci sequence is a popular Scrum method to follow when estimating work to be done as the agile story point values get significantly larger numbers.

Going from quite small values to significantly large numbers reflects the uncertainty of estimating larger items. A high estimate usually means that the work being estimated is not well defined.

This uncertainty can create misunderstanding. Work that gets assigned a high story point value should be broken down in detail or transformed into multiple, smaller pieces of work. Once you have an estimated value in mind for an Issue, simply click on an estimated value from the Estimate dropdown.

Need to customize the story point options in the Estimates dropdown? To delete an existing story point option from the list of options hover over the story point. Clicking the trash can that appears on the right of the story point will remove it from the list.

Deleting the story point will permanently remove the estimate across all Issues where it has been assigned. Be sure to talk with your team before permanently deleting a story point option. To add a new story point option simply type the value you would like to add as an estimate. This will prompt you to create a new value. Once you have estimated Issues, you can sort each pipeline on the ZenHub Kanban Board by story points.

Click on the Sort pipeline option and select Estimate to get a complete picture of the estimates of most Issues in the workflow. Software estimates have long been considered a challenge — but with a little practice, some experimentation, and some historical data, your team will be rewarded with more predictability and greater confidence in your development process. Are estimates worth doing? We'd guess so. If so many people struggle to estimate with story points - should we just abandon them?

Once your team understands story points - you need to create your estimates. See how to avoid common mistakes that can make teams quit before they ever see success with story points. How you talk to your team about story points can make all the difference. Whether your team is resistant to using them, or has been using them incorrectly, this module shows you how to have those conversations in a way that makes teams more receptive to using story points in the right way.

You need a different conversation to explain story points to stakeholders. Register now and get access to a bonus module that includes what stakeholders need to know about points. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. For a group of 10 or more, contact Laura Cohn if you wish to be invoiced. Not necessarily. Each course has attendees from a variety of backgrounds, including from non-software fields.

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You cannot share the videos, audio files, worksheets, or transcripts with others. Discover the services we deliver to companies in the Education domain. Find out how our services help healthcare organizations facilitate workflows.

Find out what makes us one of the top software development companies in Europe. We believe that clear and transparent workflow is a key to success. See every step of product development with us. There are various ways to estimate app development projects. One way is by using so-called Story Points. While this type of estimation might not be the easiest, estimating with Story Points in Agile offers benefits to both app developers and clients.

The Story Points approach uses historical data to compare features of one project to features of a previous similar project to generate a precise estimate. The gears in the image above are of different sizes and have unique attributes — just like features in a software development project. Imagine there were no way to measure the size of a circle. How could we determine the exact size of each gear? We could use Story Points!

Story Points in agile are a complex unit that includes three elements: risk, complexity and repetition. To find our Base Story, we search for one elementary task that corresponds to internal standards of Definition of Done for User Stories and assign it one Story Point. This will be our Base Story. There are two types of scales used for creating estimation matrices: the linear scale 1,2,3,4,5,6,7… and Fibonacci sequence numbers 0.

Here at RubyGarage we use Fibonacci sequence numbers. We do this because people are really good at comparing sizes, but not at estimating absolute values such as number of hours. The difference between 1 and 2 can seem insignificant.

However, the difference between 1 and 5 is obvious. When estimating using Fibonacci sequence numbers, we create a matrix with rows for each sequence number and their associated stories. Then, we gather all our stories and start classifying them into rows, comparing the stories to each other and to other completed stories.

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Simulated annealing- an annotated bibliography. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Science, 8 , — Connolly, D. An improved annealing scheme for the QAP.

European Journal of Operational Research, 46 , 93— Pareto simulated annealing — a metaheuristic technique for multiple-objective combinatorial optimization. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7 , 34— Dekkers, A. Global optimization and simulated annealing. Mathematical Programming, 50 , — Eglese, R. Simulated annealing: A tool for operational research. European Journal of Operational Research, 46 , — Geman, S. Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images.

Girard, T. A simulated annealing algorithm for planner or conformal antenna array synthesis with optimized polarization. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 28 , 86— Golenko-Ginzburg, D. Using permutation spaces in job-shop scheduling. Asia Pacific Journal of Operation Research, 9 , — Gong, G. An adaptive simulated annealing algorithm. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 94 1 , 95— Hanke, M. Simulated annealing for the optimization of batch distillation process.

Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24 , 1—8. Ingber, L. Very fast simulated annealing. Mathematical Computing Modeling, 12 , Kim, J. Heuristic algorithms for a multi-period multi-stop transportation planning problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 , — Kirkpatrick, S. Optimization by simulated annealing. Science, , — Kouvelis, P.

A simulated annealing procedure for single row layout problems in flexible manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 30 , — Kumral, M. Application of chance-constrained programming based on multi-objective simulated annealing to solve a mineral blending problem.

Engineering Optimization, 35 , — Lam, J. Liu, H. Pattern recognition using evolution algorithms with fast simulated annealing. Pattern Recognition Letters, 19 , — Lundy, M. Convergence of an annealing algorithm. Mathematical Programming, 34 , — Maffioli, F. Randomized heuristic for NP-hard problem. Andreatta, F. Serafini Eds. Singapore: World Scientific. McCormick, G. Derivation of near-optimal pump schedules for water distribution by simulated annealing.

Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55 , — Meller, R. A new simulated annealing algorithm facility layout problem. International Journal of Production Research, 34 , Metropolis, N.

Equations of state calculations by fast computing machines. The ing scheme that performs well on a range of authors concluded that the proposed procedure examples, finds improved solutions for several of is computationally efficient. It can find good the largest problems available in the literature suboptimal solutions in a very short time and and requires only modest computational effort. In addition, this In order to control the temperature drops after procedure compared well with other fast and each attempted pair-swap, from a specified start- sophisticated heuristics for the QAP.

Connolly concluded cations of this problem class and mathematical that SA is an extremely efficient heuristic for the formulations of QAP. The simulated annealing QAP, and that a sequential generation of neigh- algorithm was compared against the method of bors is superior to a random selection method. The fixed temperature at which the performance of an results of both comparisons showed that the SA annealing scheme is optimized. The authors pointed out that SA has also been applied to other assignment decreasing the temperature corresponds to nar- problems like the football pool problem.

Willie rowing the random search process in a neighbor- [82] applied SA to this problem and obtained hood of the optimal solution. Starting from an significant improvement over the results pre- initial temperature Tl they let the algorithm viously reported by Weber [80].

The procedure con- Johnson et al. They used a set of standard differencing algorithm of Karmarkar and Karp problems, as well as some newly generated larger [42], except on relatively small instances.

The results were Sofianopoulou [71] applied SA to the process compared to those from other traditional heuris- problem which consists of allocating a number of tics, e. CRAFT computerized relative allo- communicating processes to a network of pro- cation of facilities technique [6], biased cessors. The problem which she labeled the sampling, and the revised Hillier procedure [33].

New solutions are generated by ran- domly selecting two facilities and exchanging subject to ,. The temperature was geometri- MLP problems. The neighborhood solutions cally decreased by 0.

The author concluded that SA period set-ups, item level number in the tree and turned out to be a powerful tool. Computational item-period demand. The temperature of the results for all test cases presented showed that annealing process was increased from an initial the frequency with which the SA achieved the minimum of 20 to subsequent higher values optimum was remarkable.

The number of iter- ations considered were 80, and The 5. SA has also been applied to production plan- Kuik et al. These ap- sented in [48] to multilevel capacitated lot sizing plications are discussed next. The capacitated problem utilizes the same objective function as the uncapacitated one; however, upper bounds are placed on the 5.

Their The multi-level lot-sizing problem MLP is experimental results show that SA performs well the problem of determining production quan- compared to pure LP-based heuristics and that tities in multi-stage production settings, so the the effectiveness of the latter can be improved by summation of set-up costs and holding costs is combining them with elements from SA.

The problem can be represented as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. There are infinitely many equal sized bins. In applying SA, different logarithmic, linear and square root 1. Wiley, New York. Aarts E, Korst J and Van Laarhoven P A and for a particular item problem, a sol- quantitative analysis of the simulated annealing algor- ution which is the best known so far was ithm: a case study for the traveling salesman problem.

Abramson D Constructing school timetables using simulated annealing: sequential and parallel algor- 6. Mgmt Sci. Mgmt cations spans across the OR spectrum including Sci. Computers Indust. SA is a viable solution method for optimization 6. Armour G and Buffa E A heuristic algorithm and problems, especially when the alternative simulation approach to relative locations of facilities.

The 7. Computers lndust. When SA is used as a heuristic, its degree machine weighted flow time problem using Tabu search. An increased number of iterations com- 9. Engng 19, Bonomi E and Lutton J The asymptotic behavior at each iteration yield solutions having a higher of quadratic sum assignment problems: a statistical probability of convergence to the optimal mechanics approach. Opl Res. It is also concluded that the effectiveness of Nay.

SA as a solution method depends on the effec- Burkard R Quadratic assignment problems. Burkard R and Rendl F A thermodynamically ing the neighborhood of an incumbent solution. Burkard R and Bonniger T A heuristic for papers is that SA is preferred to curtailed enu- quadratic Boolean programs with applications to meration methods when problem size is large. Cerny V Thermodynamical approach to the heuristics when neighboring solutions are effec- traveling salesman problem: an efficient simulation al- tively identified and appropriate cooling ratios gorithm.

Optmn Theor. Applications 45, Chams M, Hertz A and de Werra D Some experiments with simulated annealing for coloring For completeness of our presentation, we pre- graphs.

Computers Ops Res. Christofides N and Eilon S An algorithm for vehicle dispatching problems. A taxonomy of SA applications lated annealing--an annotated bibliography. Problem References Mathl Mgmt Sci. Scheduling 3, 1I, 24, 56, 61, Connolly D General purpose simulated anneal- 62, 64, 75, 77, 83 ing. Soc, 43, QAP 10, 12, 13, 20, 21, Ops Res. Other assignment problems 39, 71, 82 Plant layout 32, 36, 46, 47, 69 23, Dell Amico M and Trubian M Applying tabu 79 search to the job-shop scheduling problem.

Ops p-Median 29 Res. Lot sizing 48, 49 Omega, Vol. Glover F Tabu search--Part I. ORSA J. Corn- problem. Golden B and Skiscim C Using simulated anneal- algorithm for graph partitioning problems using a prob- ing to solve routing and location problems. Computer Aided Design 21, 33, Grover LK A new simulated annealing algorithm Leighton F A graph coloring algorithm for large for standard cell placement.

IEEE Int. Lundy M and Mees A Convergence of an facility layout problem. Mathl Prog. MacQueen JB Some methods for classification the simulated annealing based algorithms for the layout and analysis of multi-variate observations. In Proceed- problem. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, by fast computing machines. Huntley C and Brown D A parallel heuristic for CLASS: computerized layout solutions using simulated Morgenstern C and Shapiro H Chromatic num- annealing.

Prodn Res. Unpub- Johnson D, Aragon C, McGeoch L and Schevon C imental comparison of techniques for the assignment of Optimization by simulated annealing: an exper- facilities to locations.

Computers Ops afforestation problem: a heuristic method based on Res. Kampke TK Simulated annealing: use of a new for permutation flow-shop scheduling. Omega 17, tool in bin packing. Karmarkar N and Karp R The differencing Palmer DS Sequencing jobs through a multi- method of set partitioning. Report No. Bell Syst. Kouvelis P and Chiang W A simulated annealing Romeo F and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli AL Prob- procedure for single row layout problems in flexible abilistic hill climbing algorithms: properties and appli- manufacturing systems.

In Proc. Chapel Hill Conf. Kuik R and Salomon M Multi-level lot-sizing Sharpe R and Marksjo BS Facility layout optim- problem: evaluation of a simulated annealing heuristic.

B Eur. Vancza J and Markus A Genetic algorithms in flow-line manufacturing cell: a tabu search approach. Sofianopoulou S Simulated annealing applied to lation in manufacturing systems through simulated an- the process allocation problem. Stewart W A computationally efficient heuristic A space partitioning method for facility layout problems with shape constraints. An experimental evaluation of local search heuristics for graph partitioning.

The use of reduction tests and simulated annealing for the capacitated plant location problem. Broadband network infrastructure of the future: roles of network design tools in technology deployment strategies. The node capacitated graph partitioning problem: A computational study. A solution to the facility layout problem using simulated annealing. Solution of large weighted equicut problems.

The Metropolis algorithm for graph bisection. A systematic procedure for setting parameters in simulated annealing algorithms. An optimal tree search method for the manufacturing systems cell formation problem.

GRCA: a hybrid genetic algorithm for circuit ratio-cut partitioning. Michael R. Bartolacci , S. David Wu ,. A parallel technique for partitioning nodes of weighted graphs. Generalized assignment-type problems a powerful modeling scheme. A comparison of annealing techniques for academic course scheduling. Memetic algorithms and the fitness landscape of the graph bi-partitioning problem. Machine layout with a linear single-row flow path in an automated manufacturing system.

A survey of factory control algorithms that can be implemented in a multi-agent heterarchy: Dispatching, scheduling, and pull. Autocorrelation coefficient for the graph bipartitioning problem. Minimizing tardiness on a single processor with sequence-dependent setup times: a simulated annealing approach. Heuristics for unrelated machine scheduling with precedence constraints. A system of optimizing nesting with analogical learning mechanism.

A modified noising algorithm for the graph partitioning problem. Scheduling jobs on parallel machines with sequence-dependent setup times. Partitioning of sequentially ordered systems using linear programming.

A statistically based system for prioritizing information exploration under uncertainty. Combining problem reduction and adaptive multistart: a new technique for superior iterative partitioning. Heuristic algorithms for reliable multiplexed network design. An experimental evaluation of heuristics for scheduling in a real-life flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times of jobs.

Divide-and-conquer mapping of parallel programs onto hypercube computers. Two novel multiway circuit partitioning algorithms using relaxed locking. Parallel simulated annealing applied to long term transmission network expansion planning.

Scheduling projects to maximize net present value — the case of time-dependent, contingent cash flows. Alternative approaches to solve the multi-floor facility layout problem. A molecular structure matching problem. Evolutionary Computation in Practice. Stochastic comparison algorithm for continuous optimization with estimation. Metaheuristics: A bibliography.

A simulated annealing approach for optimization of multi-pass turning operations. Parallel adaptive mesh generation and decomposition. The simplex-simulated annealing approach to continuous non-linear optimization. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for scheduling products with multi-level product structure. A simulated annealing heuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem.

Modeling ill-structured optimization tasks through cases. General local search methods. Solving the net matching problem in high-performance chip design. Scheduling in flowshop and cellular manufacturing systems with multiple objectives— a genetic algorithmic approach. Genetic algorithm and graph partitioning. Batching in production planning for flexible manufacturing systems. A new simulated annealing algorithm for the facility layout problem. Packet synchronization for synchronous optical deflection-routed interconnection networks.

An exchange heuristic imbedded with simulated annealing for due-dates job-shop scheduling. Search heuristics for a flowshop scheduling problem in a printed circuit board assembly process. Tabu search for graph partitioning. Real-time scheduling for software prototyping.

Inspection allocation in manufacturing systems using stochastic search techniques. Simulated annealing metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Combining simulated annealing with local search heuristics. Focused simulated annealing search: An application to job shop scheduling. Graph partitioning using learning automata. Using parallel genetic algorithms for solving the Min-Cut problem. Computational Methods in Design Theory. Applying simulated annealing to location-planning models.

A parallel simulated annealing algorithm for generating 3D layouts of undirected graphs. Parallel heuristic search — Introductions and a new approach. Mechanisms for local search. Improvement heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem based on simulated annealing. Annealed embeddings of communication patterns in an interconnection cached network. Note: A local-search heuristic for large set-covering problems.

Algorithms for partitioning a graph. Rapid prototyping methodology for multiprocessor implementation of digital signal processing systems. Due-date setting methodologies based on simulated annealing—an experimental study in a real-life job shop. A simulated annealing solution to the cell formation problem.

Characterizing heterogeneous permeable media with spatial statistics and tracer data using sequential simulated annealing. Recent directions in netlist partitioning: a survey. CABINS: a framework of knowledge acquisition and iterative revision for schedule improvement and reactive repair. A fast and robust network bisection algorithm.

An empirical study of algorithms for point-feature label placement. Partitioning of unstructured meshes for load balancing. Strategies with memories: local search in an application oriented environment.

Efficient heuristics for robot acquisition planning for a CIM system. Solving the damper placement problem via local search heuristics. A variable-depth search algorithm for the recursive bipartitioning of signal flow graphs. Parallel finite element algorithms applied to computational rheology. Simultaneous determination of product attributes and prices, and production processes in product-line design. Stochastic annealing for synthesis under uncertainty.

A comparative study of both standard and adaptive versions of threshold accepting and simulated annealing algorithms in three scheduling problems. Job-shop scheduling: Computational study of local search and large-step optimization methods. A new extension of local search applied to the Dial-A-Ride Problem. Simulated annealing for manufacturing systems layout design. Optimized partitioning of unstructured finite element meshes.

Weighted vertex packing problem for specially structured geometric graphs. Evaluating assembly sequences for automatic assembly systems. Evaluation of search algorithms and clustering efficiency measures for machine-part matrix clustering. Optimization by iterative improvement: an experimental evaluation on two-way partitioning. On using learning automata for fast graph partitioning. Local search in combinatorial optimization.

Chaotic simulated annealing by a neural network model with transient chaos. Chapter 8 VLSI network design. Chapter 4 The traveling salesman problem. Multiple-type, two-dimensional bin packing problems: Applications and algorithms. Vertex packing problem application to the design of electronic testing fixtures. Homogeneous grouping of nuclear fuel cans through simulated annealing and tabu search. Parallel simulation today. Heuristics for laying out information graphs.

Separation sequence synthesis: How to use simulated annealing procedure? Optimization by ghost image processes in neural networks. Simulated annealing and tabu search: Lessons from a line search. New heuristic solution procedures for the uniform graph partitioning problem: Extensions and evaluation. A new adaptive multi-start technique for combinatorial global optimizations.

A computational study of graph partitioning. Location of quality-control stations in manufacturing systems: A simulated annealing approach. A static partitioning and mapping algorithm for conservative parallel simulations.

A simulated annealing approach to parallel processor scheduling problems with precedence relations. Synthesizing optimal design configurations for a brayton cycle power plant.

Chemical plant layout via graph partitioning Single level. Simulated annealing procedures for forming machine cells in group technology. Simulated annealing and the mapping problem: A computational study.

Parallel physical optimization algorithms for allocating data to multicomputer nodes. Routeing winter gritting vehicles. An efficient mapping heuristic for mesh-connected parallel architectures based on Mean Field Annealing. Analyzing hyperplane synthesis in genetic algorithms using clustered schemata. Problem-independent Parallel Simulated Annealing using selection and migration.

A new approach to minimising the frontwidth in finite element calculations. Best-so-far vs. Minimizing distortion in truss structures: A comparison of simulated annealing and tabu search. A methodology for designing large private line transmission networks with multiple facilities. Scheduling in a cellular manufacturing system: a simulated annealing approach. An efficient algorithm for VLSI network partitioning problem using a cost function with balancing factor.

Simulated annealing for resource-constrained scheduling. Neural network approximations in a simulated annealing based optimal structural design. Comparison of the performance of modern heuristics for combinatorial optimization on real data. On the heuristic solution of the permutation flow shop problem by path algorithms.

Simulated annealing for the QAP — Optimal tradeoff between simulation time and solution quality. Production preparation and numerical control in PCB assembly. Integrating and accelerating tabu search, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms.

Solving satisfiability via Boltzmann machines. Multi-way graph partition by stochastic probe. Tool requirement planning in stochastic job shops: A simulated annealing approach.

Use of simulated annealing to reduce 2-bit decoder PLAs. Computation of robust estimates of multivariate location and shape. A simulated annealing approach to the cyclic staff-scheduling problem.

Local stochastic competition and vector quantization. Optimization of Composite Laminates. Convergence of a simulation method for solution of combinatorial optimization problems. A segmented algorithm for simulated annealing. Good solutions to discrete noxious location problems via metaheuristics. Integrating the grouping and layout problems in cellular manufacturing systems.

Allocating data to multicomputer nodes by physical optimization algorithms for loosely synchronous computations. Simulated annealing applied to the process allocation problem. Heuristic unidirectional flowpath design approaches for automated guided vehicle systems. Binary and phase shifting mask design for optical lithography. Minimizing distortion and internal forces in truss structures via simulated annealing. Experimental analysis of simulated annealing based algorithms for the layout problem.

Parallel Genetic Algorithms in Optimization. Unconstrained Optimization. Clustering and clique partitioning: Simulated annealing and tabu search approaches. Automatic circuit partitioning in the Anyboard rapid prototyping system. Parallelism in graph-partitioning. Part ordering through simulation-optimization in an FMS. A color-exchange algorithm for exact graph coloring. A note on the effect of neighborhood structure in simulated annealing.

A 3-OPT based simulated annealing algorithm for vehicle routing problems. A new table of constant weight codes. Manufacturing cell design using simulated annealing: An industrial application. Graph partitioning using annealed neural networks. The analysis of local search problems and their heuristics.

Modeling the machine layout problem. Using simulated annealing to design good codes. The Theory and Practice of Simulated Annealing. The Methods of Optimization Problems Solution. Local optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem.

Computational experiments with Boltzmann Machines. An optimal strategy for switching devices allocation in radial distribution network. Optimization of multi-way clustering and retrieval using genetic algorithms in reusable class library. An automatic restructuring approach preserving the behavior of object-oriented designs. Mapping algorithms onto a multiple-chip data-driven array. An experimental evaluation of partitioning algorithms.

Generic fuzzy logic CAD development tool. Two techniques for minimizing power dissipation in scan circuits during test application. A stochastic comparison algorithm for continuous optimization with estimation. Circuit partitioning for pipelined pseudo-exhaustive testing using simulated annealing.

Advanced Bayesian optimization algorithms applied in decomposition problems. Post-analysis-based clustering dramatically improves the Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm.

If you have your Sims go out and drive, you can earn both Simoleons and Lifestyle Points. Try to catch the music notes for more money, and possibly some LP if you luck out while doing this and tapping on the notes. Skip to content.

Categories : Lifehacks Table of Contents. The sims freeplay ultra modern built by dev in the sims freeplay houses sims freeplay house ideas design built by dev in the sims freeplay. The sims freeplay ultra modern mansion you three dream homes built by dev in the sims freeplay houses sims freeplay house ideas design plans three dream homes built by dev in the sims freeplay. See also Swiss Home Design Gmbh.

See also Brookwood Cabinets Fort Wayne. See also Decorative Bark Chips Asda. See also Klaussner Sofa Jordans. You could make your property stick out as one thing particular to the casual shopper, the one thing particular that makes individuals need to dwell in the home.

When you converted a bedroom into a pastime room or a storage room, now's the time to clear the room out from things other folks will see as "your junk". In spring, minimize just a few flowers and put the in a vase in the dwelling room, which all the time adds a welcoming and attractive contact. Then take all muddle out of the room, to make it look spacious, and more impartial to the buyer, and less customized to you. In every room of the home, determine what the purpose of the room was meant to be, and then look at how you are utilizing it.

Some corporations supply 3D interior design rendering to shoppers that want to renovate their properties utilizing their very own alternative of furnishings, artwork and surfaces, textures and fabrics. Staging is the way you set the scene in your own home utilizing your furnishings and artwork to indicate the magnificence and potential of your property.

When your severe about promoting the home you live in, the easiest way to start out staging is to rent a storage locker and transfer most of your stuff out of your private home. You probably have an ideal view out your residing room window, arrange the furnishings in order that the window is the focal level. Nowadays, interior designers have access to a whole 3D rendered catalogue and library of decoration and furniture objects that permit them to fill a scene no matter whether that merchandise is actually in inventory or not.

Interior designers can benefit an awesome deal from 3D pc rendering. There are two types of housing to consider when one is ready to start building their Sim's dream home: the Standard Residence or the Ocean View Residence. The home that one begins the game with is located on one of the 'standard' lots, which are smaller and much cheaper to build on than the 'ocean view' lots. However, 'ocean view' lots are significantly larger than the 'standard' lots twice as big and they have much more room to build and they are beach-front property, which means building on them increases their town's value much more than if they build on a smaller lot.

All of the standard lots are one story, while ocean view ones can be three stories. To unlock and purchase ocean view lots, one must first complete the ' Ocean View Estate ' quest.

Deletion discussions Development discussions Admin discussions Admin's noticeboard. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Have a craving to show off your talents and skills? Technically, it's actually a slider, but the mod works on all EA hairs, clothes, and makeup. A CC converter could potentially be part of a future update, as well.

In The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, zodiac signs also played into compatibility with Sims of compatible zodiac signs building chemistry and romance much faster than other partners. Zodiac signs may not have shipped with The Sims 4, but Radiophone's Zodiac Traits mod brings them back. Players can purchase any of the Zodiac traits from the Rewards Store for free! MC Command Center is another mod with so many options that it can be difficult to know where to start.

Still, most The Sims 3 players will be familiar with the mechanics of story progression. From here, players can determine the length and frequency of pregnancies, whether inactive households can have babies, and what kinds of in-game notifications they want to receive.

Credit: Life in Pixels. For most players, The Sims 4 definitely wins against The Sims 2 in the furniture department. Typicalmods has converted the pack including every single item in the pack for The Sims 4. There have been some updates -- TVs are now separate from their units, for example -- plus more than 50 new items to use.

For ultimate nostalgia, every converted item has also kept its original description! The two-part download includes one file that's beds-only and one with everything else. With this mod, players can make preserves and jams as they could in The Sims 3 — and build the Canning skill — all without having to pay for The Sims 3 Store content.

Icemunmun also has big plans for future updates, so be sure to check out their work. There's opportunities to get involved in both big and small ways so please please stick around, you won't want to miss any of it!

For more about me, please check out my website:. I've been in the community since I love being a machinima director and having the opportunity to bring my stories to life and share them with the world. I've always loved being active in the community, so I thought SMAC would be a great opportunity to bring everyone together and to celebrate out creations.

To include all the things we find fun in other events and make something that everyone can enjoy. Salutations all! I have been in the community since and through my 12 years, I have tried many Currently, I am a Sims 2 Director and occasional voice actress. You can hear my voice in projects such as "The Rivers", "W. H", and future projects like "Recollection" and "Poseidon". My projects include the upcoming series "Molynthei" which will debut in and a series continuation for the short film "The Wolf Chronicles".

The Sims community has always been a part of me since the tender age of 12 and the idea of SMAC has resonated with me strongly.

I know that SMAC is a step in the right direction for us to come together and appreciate all the talented simmers we have! I am very excited for the future of SMAC,. Excited to see you all in !! Hey there!! Although I'm relatively new to the community I started posting videos in , I've been lurking around for quite a while now, commenting on videos, making little music videos in Sims 3, etc :. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. I'm already a fan, don't show this again. Send MSN Feedback.

How can we improve?

Admittedly, the whole thing was a ton more PG than the majority of the scenes from the show. However, it's just enough to let your imagination begin running wild. Oh and that double bite at the end Though Teri tried her best to deny it, the chemistry between the two was off the chain from the get go, and they ended up in bed together shortly thereafter.

Sometimes art even imitates life, because Parker and Kodjoe have been married in real life for ten years. With the added element of their forbidden love and Fitz's "superpower", things get hot and heavy between these two extremely quickly. There have been a lot of stolen moments between Olitz on Scandal , but their romp in a cramped electrical closet might just take the cake. Though they were fighting at the time, their lust for one another was still palpable.

So much so, that in this particular scene, the raw, carnal sex shown is enough to make you forget your watching network television. However her relationship with her ex-girlfriend Alex is still sexy as hell. In the opening of the pilot, the audience gets a glimpse of their relationship in a flashback.

The slow, sensual pace as they go at it in the shower is just enough to get your heart beating rather quickly.

Luckily, its only a warm up for what is to come later. Escaping from their responsibilities and the world around them, Jon and Ygritte locked themselves in a hot-spring cave and got down to business.

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