Simulated annealing a tool for operational research

Simulated annealing- an annotated bibliography. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Science, 8 , — Connolly, D. An improved annealing scheme for the QAP.

European Journal of Operational Research, 46 , 93— Pareto simulated annealing — a metaheuristic technique for multiple-objective combinatorial optimization. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 7 , 34— Dekkers, A. Global optimization and simulated annealing. Mathematical Programming, 50 , — Eglese, R. Simulated annealing: A tool for operational research. European Journal of Operational Research, 46 , — Geman, S. Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images.

Girard, T. A simulated annealing algorithm for planner or conformal antenna array synthesis with optimized polarization. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 28 , 86— Golenko-Ginzburg, D. Using permutation spaces in job-shop scheduling. Asia Pacific Journal of Operation Research, 9 , — Gong, G. An adaptive simulated annealing algorithm. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 94 1 , 95— Hanke, M. Simulated annealing for the optimization of batch distillation process.

Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24 , 1—8. Ingber, L. Very fast simulated annealing. Mathematical Computing Modeling, 12 , Kim, J. Heuristic algorithms for a multi-period multi-stop transportation planning problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 , — Kirkpatrick, S. Optimization by simulated annealing. Science, , — Kouvelis, P.

A simulated annealing procedure for single row layout problems in flexible manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 30 , — Kumral, M. Application of chance-constrained programming based on multi-objective simulated annealing to solve a mineral blending problem.

Engineering Optimization, 35 , — Lam, J. Liu, H. Pattern recognition using evolution algorithms with fast simulated annealing. Pattern Recognition Letters, 19 , — Lundy, M. Convergence of an annealing algorithm. Mathematical Programming, 34 , — Maffioli, F. Randomized heuristic for NP-hard problem. Andreatta, F. Serafini Eds. Singapore: World Scientific. McCormick, G. Derivation of near-optimal pump schedules for water distribution by simulated annealing.

Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55 , — Meller, R. A new simulated annealing algorithm facility layout problem. International Journal of Production Research, 34 , Metropolis, N.

Equations of state calculations by fast computing machines. The ing scheme that performs well on a range of authors concluded that the proposed procedure examples, finds improved solutions for several of is computationally efficient. It can find good the largest problems available in the literature suboptimal solutions in a very short time and and requires only modest computational effort. In addition, this In order to control the temperature drops after procedure compared well with other fast and each attempted pair-swap, from a specified start- sophisticated heuristics for the QAP.

Connolly concluded cations of this problem class and mathematical that SA is an extremely efficient heuristic for the formulations of QAP. The simulated annealing QAP, and that a sequential generation of neigh- algorithm was compared against the method of bors is superior to a random selection method. The fixed temperature at which the performance of an results of both comparisons showed that the SA annealing scheme is optimized. The authors pointed out that SA has also been applied to other assignment decreasing the temperature corresponds to nar- problems like the football pool problem.

Willie rowing the random search process in a neighbor- [82] applied SA to this problem and obtained hood of the optimal solution. Starting from an significant improvement over the results pre- initial temperature Tl they let the algorithm viously reported by Weber [80].

The procedure con- Johnson et al. They used a set of standard differencing algorithm of Karmarkar and Karp problems, as well as some newly generated larger [42], except on relatively small instances.

The results were Sofianopoulou [71] applied SA to the process compared to those from other traditional heuris- problem which consists of allocating a number of tics, e. CRAFT computerized relative allo- communicating processes to a network of pro- cation of facilities technique [6], biased cessors. The problem which she labeled the sampling, and the revised Hillier procedure [33].

New solutions are generated by ran- domly selecting two facilities and exchanging subject to ,. The temperature was geometri- MLP problems. The neighborhood solutions cally decreased by 0.

The author concluded that SA period set-ups, item level number in the tree and turned out to be a powerful tool. Computational item-period demand. The temperature of the results for all test cases presented showed that annealing process was increased from an initial the frequency with which the SA achieved the minimum of 20 to subsequent higher values optimum was remarkable.

The number of iter- ations considered were 80, and The 5. SA has also been applied to production plan- Kuik et al. These ap- sented in [48] to multilevel capacitated lot sizing plications are discussed next. The capacitated problem utilizes the same objective function as the uncapacitated one; however, upper bounds are placed on the 5.

Their The multi-level lot-sizing problem MLP is experimental results show that SA performs well the problem of determining production quan- compared to pure LP-based heuristics and that tities in multi-stage production settings, so the the effectiveness of the latter can be improved by summation of set-up costs and holding costs is combining them with elements from SA.

The problem can be represented as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. There are infinitely many equal sized bins. In applying SA, different logarithmic, linear and square root 1. Wiley, New York. Aarts E, Korst J and Van Laarhoven P A and for a particular item problem, a sol- quantitative analysis of the simulated annealing algor- ution which is the best known so far was ithm: a case study for the traveling salesman problem.

Abramson D Constructing school timetables using simulated annealing: sequential and parallel algor- 6. Mgmt Sci. Mgmt cations spans across the OR spectrum including Sci. Computers Indust. SA is a viable solution method for optimization 6. Armour G and Buffa E A heuristic algorithm and problems, especially when the alternative simulation approach to relative locations of facilities.

The 7. Computers lndust. When SA is used as a heuristic, its degree machine weighted flow time problem using Tabu search. An increased number of iterations com- 9. Engng 19, Bonomi E and Lutton J The asymptotic behavior at each iteration yield solutions having a higher of quadratic sum assignment problems: a statistical probability of convergence to the optimal mechanics approach. Opl Res. It is also concluded that the effectiveness of Nay.

SA as a solution method depends on the effec- Burkard R Quadratic assignment problems. Burkard R and Rendl F A thermodynamically ing the neighborhood of an incumbent solution. Burkard R and Bonniger T A heuristic for papers is that SA is preferred to curtailed enu- quadratic Boolean programs with applications to meration methods when problem size is large. Cerny V Thermodynamical approach to the heuristics when neighboring solutions are effec- traveling salesman problem: an efficient simulation al- tively identified and appropriate cooling ratios gorithm.

Optmn Theor. Applications 45, Chams M, Hertz A and de Werra D Some experiments with simulated annealing for coloring For completeness of our presentation, we pre- graphs.

Computers Ops Res. Christofides N and Eilon S An algorithm for vehicle dispatching problems. A taxonomy of SA applications lated annealing--an annotated bibliography. Problem References Mathl Mgmt Sci. Scheduling 3, 1I, 24, 56, 61, Connolly D General purpose simulated anneal- 62, 64, 75, 77, 83 ing. Soc, 43, QAP 10, 12, 13, 20, 21, Ops Res. Other assignment problems 39, 71, 82 Plant layout 32, 36, 46, 47, 69 23, Dell Amico M and Trubian M Applying tabu 79 search to the job-shop scheduling problem.

Ops p-Median 29 Res. Lot sizing 48, 49 Omega, Vol. Glover F Tabu search--Part I. ORSA J. Corn- problem. Golden B and Skiscim C Using simulated anneal- algorithm for graph partitioning problems using a prob- ing to solve routing and location problems. Computer Aided Design 21, 33, Grover LK A new simulated annealing algorithm Leighton F A graph coloring algorithm for large for standard cell placement.

IEEE Int. Lundy M and Mees A Convergence of an facility layout problem. Mathl Prog. MacQueen JB Some methods for classification the simulated annealing based algorithms for the layout and analysis of multi-variate observations. In Proceed- problem. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, by fast computing machines. Huntley C and Brown D A parallel heuristic for CLASS: computerized layout solutions using simulated Morgenstern C and Shapiro H Chromatic num- annealing.

Prodn Res. Unpub- Johnson D, Aragon C, McGeoch L and Schevon C imental comparison of techniques for the assignment of Optimization by simulated annealing: an exper- facilities to locations.

Computers Ops afforestation problem: a heuristic method based on Res. Kampke TK Simulated annealing: use of a new for permutation flow-shop scheduling. Omega 17, tool in bin packing. Karmarkar N and Karp R The differencing Palmer DS Sequencing jobs through a multi- method of set partitioning. Report No. Bell Syst. Kouvelis P and Chiang W A simulated annealing Romeo F and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli AL Prob- procedure for single row layout problems in flexible abilistic hill climbing algorithms: properties and appli- manufacturing systems.

In Proc. Chapel Hill Conf. Kuik R and Salomon M Multi-level lot-sizing Sharpe R and Marksjo BS Facility layout optim- problem: evaluation of a simulated annealing heuristic.

B Eur. Vancza J and Markus A Genetic algorithms in flow-line manufacturing cell: a tabu search approach. Sofianopoulou S Simulated annealing applied to lation in manufacturing systems through simulated an- the process allocation problem. Stewart W A computationally efficient heuristic A space partitioning method for facility layout problems with shape constraints. An experimental evaluation of local search heuristics for graph partitioning.

The use of reduction tests and simulated annealing for the capacitated plant location problem. Broadband network infrastructure of the future: roles of network design tools in technology deployment strategies. The node capacitated graph partitioning problem: A computational study. A solution to the facility layout problem using simulated annealing. Solution of large weighted equicut problems.

The Metropolis algorithm for graph bisection. A systematic procedure for setting parameters in simulated annealing algorithms. An optimal tree search method for the manufacturing systems cell formation problem.

GRCA: a hybrid genetic algorithm for circuit ratio-cut partitioning. Michael R. Bartolacci , S. David Wu ,. A parallel technique for partitioning nodes of weighted graphs. Generalized assignment-type problems a powerful modeling scheme. A comparison of annealing techniques for academic course scheduling. Memetic algorithms and the fitness landscape of the graph bi-partitioning problem. Machine layout with a linear single-row flow path in an automated manufacturing system.

A survey of factory control algorithms that can be implemented in a multi-agent heterarchy: Dispatching, scheduling, and pull. Autocorrelation coefficient for the graph bipartitioning problem. Minimizing tardiness on a single processor with sequence-dependent setup times: a simulated annealing approach. Heuristics for unrelated machine scheduling with precedence constraints. A system of optimizing nesting with analogical learning mechanism.

A modified noising algorithm for the graph partitioning problem. Scheduling jobs on parallel machines with sequence-dependent setup times. Partitioning of sequentially ordered systems using linear programming.

A statistically based system for prioritizing information exploration under uncertainty. Combining problem reduction and adaptive multistart: a new technique for superior iterative partitioning. Heuristic algorithms for reliable multiplexed network design. An experimental evaluation of heuristics for scheduling in a real-life flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times of jobs.

Divide-and-conquer mapping of parallel programs onto hypercube computers. Two novel multiway circuit partitioning algorithms using relaxed locking. Parallel simulated annealing applied to long term transmission network expansion planning.

Scheduling projects to maximize net present value — the case of time-dependent, contingent cash flows. Alternative approaches to solve the multi-floor facility layout problem. A molecular structure matching problem. Evolutionary Computation in Practice. Stochastic comparison algorithm for continuous optimization with estimation. Metaheuristics: A bibliography.

A simulated annealing approach for optimization of multi-pass turning operations. Parallel adaptive mesh generation and decomposition. The simplex-simulated annealing approach to continuous non-linear optimization. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for scheduling products with multi-level product structure. A simulated annealing heuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem.

Modeling ill-structured optimization tasks through cases. General local search methods. Solving the net matching problem in high-performance chip design. Scheduling in flowshop and cellular manufacturing systems with multiple objectives— a genetic algorithmic approach. Genetic algorithm and graph partitioning. Batching in production planning for flexible manufacturing systems. A new simulated annealing algorithm for the facility layout problem. Packet synchronization for synchronous optical deflection-routed interconnection networks.

An exchange heuristic imbedded with simulated annealing for due-dates job-shop scheduling. Search heuristics for a flowshop scheduling problem in a printed circuit board assembly process. Tabu search for graph partitioning. Real-time scheduling for software prototyping.

Inspection allocation in manufacturing systems using stochastic search techniques. Simulated annealing metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Combining simulated annealing with local search heuristics. Focused simulated annealing search: An application to job shop scheduling. Graph partitioning using learning automata. Using parallel genetic algorithms for solving the Min-Cut problem. Computational Methods in Design Theory. Applying simulated annealing to location-planning models.

A parallel simulated annealing algorithm for generating 3D layouts of undirected graphs. Parallel heuristic search — Introductions and a new approach. Mechanisms for local search. Improvement heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem based on simulated annealing. Annealed embeddings of communication patterns in an interconnection cached network. Note: A local-search heuristic for large set-covering problems.

Algorithms for partitioning a graph. Rapid prototyping methodology for multiprocessor implementation of digital signal processing systems. Due-date setting methodologies based on simulated annealing—an experimental study in a real-life job shop. A simulated annealing solution to the cell formation problem.

Characterizing heterogeneous permeable media with spatial statistics and tracer data using sequential simulated annealing. Recent directions in netlist partitioning: a survey. CABINS: a framework of knowledge acquisition and iterative revision for schedule improvement and reactive repair. A fast and robust network bisection algorithm.

An empirical study of algorithms for point-feature label placement. Partitioning of unstructured meshes for load balancing. Strategies with memories: local search in an application oriented environment.

Efficient heuristics for robot acquisition planning for a CIM system. Solving the damper placement problem via local search heuristics. A variable-depth search algorithm for the recursive bipartitioning of signal flow graphs. Parallel finite element algorithms applied to computational rheology. Simultaneous determination of product attributes and prices, and production processes in product-line design. Stochastic annealing for synthesis under uncertainty.

A comparative study of both standard and adaptive versions of threshold accepting and simulated annealing algorithms in three scheduling problems. Job-shop scheduling: Computational study of local search and large-step optimization methods. A new extension of local search applied to the Dial-A-Ride Problem. Simulated annealing for manufacturing systems layout design. Optimized partitioning of unstructured finite element meshes.

Weighted vertex packing problem for specially structured geometric graphs. Evaluating assembly sequences for automatic assembly systems. Evaluation of search algorithms and clustering efficiency measures for machine-part matrix clustering. Optimization by iterative improvement: an experimental evaluation on two-way partitioning. On using learning automata for fast graph partitioning. Local search in combinatorial optimization.

Chaotic simulated annealing by a neural network model with transient chaos. Chapter 8 VLSI network design. Chapter 4 The traveling salesman problem. Multiple-type, two-dimensional bin packing problems: Applications and algorithms. Vertex packing problem application to the design of electronic testing fixtures. Homogeneous grouping of nuclear fuel cans through simulated annealing and tabu search. Parallel simulation today. Heuristics for laying out information graphs.

Separation sequence synthesis: How to use simulated annealing procedure? Optimization by ghost image processes in neural networks. Simulated annealing and tabu search: Lessons from a line search. New heuristic solution procedures for the uniform graph partitioning problem: Extensions and evaluation. A new adaptive multi-start technique for combinatorial global optimizations.

A computational study of graph partitioning. Location of quality-control stations in manufacturing systems: A simulated annealing approach. A static partitioning and mapping algorithm for conservative parallel simulations.

A simulated annealing approach to parallel processor scheduling problems with precedence relations. Synthesizing optimal design configurations for a brayton cycle power plant.

Chemical plant layout via graph partitioning Single level. Simulated annealing procedures for forming machine cells in group technology. Simulated annealing and the mapping problem: A computational study.

Parallel physical optimization algorithms for allocating data to multicomputer nodes. Routeing winter gritting vehicles. An efficient mapping heuristic for mesh-connected parallel architectures based on Mean Field Annealing. Analyzing hyperplane synthesis in genetic algorithms using clustered schemata. Problem-independent Parallel Simulated Annealing using selection and migration.

A new approach to minimising the frontwidth in finite element calculations. Best-so-far vs. Minimizing distortion in truss structures: A comparison of simulated annealing and tabu search. A methodology for designing large private line transmission networks with multiple facilities. Scheduling in a cellular manufacturing system: a simulated annealing approach. An efficient algorithm for VLSI network partitioning problem using a cost function with balancing factor.

Simulated annealing for resource-constrained scheduling. Neural network approximations in a simulated annealing based optimal structural design. Comparison of the performance of modern heuristics for combinatorial optimization on real data. On the heuristic solution of the permutation flow shop problem by path algorithms.

Simulated annealing for the QAP — Optimal tradeoff between simulation time and solution quality. Production preparation and numerical control in PCB assembly. Integrating and accelerating tabu search, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms.

Solving satisfiability via Boltzmann machines. Multi-way graph partition by stochastic probe. Tool requirement planning in stochastic job shops: A simulated annealing approach.

Use of simulated annealing to reduce 2-bit decoder PLAs. Computation of robust estimates of multivariate location and shape. A simulated annealing approach to the cyclic staff-scheduling problem.

Local stochastic competition and vector quantization. Optimization of Composite Laminates. Convergence of a simulation method for solution of combinatorial optimization problems. A segmented algorithm for simulated annealing. Good solutions to discrete noxious location problems via metaheuristics. Integrating the grouping and layout problems in cellular manufacturing systems.

Allocating data to multicomputer nodes by physical optimization algorithms for loosely synchronous computations. Simulated annealing applied to the process allocation problem. Heuristic unidirectional flowpath design approaches for automated guided vehicle systems. Binary and phase shifting mask design for optical lithography. Minimizing distortion and internal forces in truss structures via simulated annealing. Experimental analysis of simulated annealing based algorithms for the layout problem.

Parallel Genetic Algorithms in Optimization. Unconstrained Optimization. Clustering and clique partitioning: Simulated annealing and tabu search approaches. Automatic circuit partitioning in the Anyboard rapid prototyping system. Parallelism in graph-partitioning. Part ordering through simulation-optimization in an FMS. A color-exchange algorithm for exact graph coloring. A note on the effect of neighborhood structure in simulated annealing.

A 3-OPT based simulated annealing algorithm for vehicle routing problems. A new table of constant weight codes. Manufacturing cell design using simulated annealing: An industrial application. Graph partitioning using annealed neural networks. The analysis of local search problems and their heuristics.

Modeling the machine layout problem. Using simulated annealing to design good codes. The Theory and Practice of Simulated Annealing. The Methods of Optimization Problems Solution. Local optimization and the Traveling Salesman Problem.

Computational experiments with Boltzmann Machines. An optimal strategy for switching devices allocation in radial distribution network. Optimization of multi-way clustering and retrieval using genetic algorithms in reusable class library. An automatic restructuring approach preserving the behavior of object-oriented designs. Mapping algorithms onto a multiple-chip data-driven array. An experimental evaluation of partitioning algorithms.

Generic fuzzy logic CAD development tool. Two techniques for minimizing power dissipation in scan circuits during test application. A stochastic comparison algorithm for continuous optimization with estimation. Circuit partitioning for pipelined pseudo-exhaustive testing using simulated annealing.

Advanced Bayesian optimization algorithms applied in decomposition problems. Post-analysis-based clustering dramatically improves the Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm.


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