In the menu bar, click Manage , and then click Add Roles and Features. On the Select installation type page, ensure Role-based or feature-based installation is selected and click Next.
On the Select destination server page, ensure the target server is selected and click Next. When you do this, a dialog box displays the tools and services that also need to be installed with the Fax Server server role. Click Add Features , then click Next on the Select server roles page. From Server Manager, click the Notifications flag, and click Perform additional configuration in the Fax Server notification. The Microsoft Fax Service Manager opens. Right-click Accounts , select New , and click Account.
The members of the local Administrators group are added automatically to the Fax Users group and cannot be removed. The local Administrators group is also separately granted full permissions for the Fax service. Membership in this group can be modified later by using Fax Service Manager. In the Control Panel search box, type phone and then click Phone and Modem. When you install the Fax Server server role, if you have not attached a fax device to the computer, a local fax printer connection, Fax , is automatically created in the Printers folder in Control Panel.
Follow the steps in this procedure to share the printer so that users can connect. This procedure describes how to create a new fax printer, and then share the printer so that your users can find it. To install fax devices, such as a fax printer, you must be a member of the Administrators group or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. Click the Start charm, right-click the Windows Fax and Scan tile, and then click Run as administrator.
On the Choose a fax modem or server page, click Connect to a fax modem. You might be asked to install a printer. To do this, follow the instructions in the Add Hardware Wizard. On the Choose a modem name page , type a name for the fax printer, and then click Next. The default name is Fax Modem. The new fax printer should appear in Fax Accounts , under Account Name.
Then, to share the printer that has been created, right-click the Start charm, and then click Control Panel. In the list of printers, right-click Fax , click Printer properties , click the Sharing tab, select Share this printer , and then type a name for the printer that you want your network users to see.
If you want to enable users with computers running different versions of Windows to use this printer, click Additional Drivers to install the needed drivers. In Additional Drivers , select the check box for the versions of Windows that you want to support. You are prompted to provide a path to the driver. Typically, when you add an account to the Fax service, Fax Setup in Windows Fax and Scan will ask the user to unblock RPC so that the firewall is unblocked for fax communication.
You can also configure the firewall directly at any other time in Windows Firewall by verifying that Windows Fax Service is in the exceptions list. If you are sharing the Fax service, make sure that File and Printer Sharing are also added to the exceptions list. Windows recognizes any newly installed Plug and Play fax device during service startup. After the device is installed, restart the Fax service and refresh the display.
The new device will automatically appear in Fax Service Manager. To remove a device, remove it as you would any device using Device Manager, restart the Fax service, and refresh the display. By default, a fax device is enabled to send when it is installed.
However, if needed, you can also enable a device to send later. The identification information typically appears in the banner in a fax message to help the recipient determine where the fax originated. You must specifically enable a fax device to receive—it is not enabled by default.
A fax device can be configured to answer incoming calls automatically or manually. The manual option is useful if your fax and telephone share the same incoming line. And you can specify the number of rings before answering. A higher number of rings before answering is useful if your fax and telephone share the same incoming line, to give you time to answer the telephone. As part of this process, you can also specify an optional Called Subscriber ID CSID string, a text string used to identify a fax recipient to a fax sender.
To configure fax devices, such as a fax printer, you must be a member of the Administrators group or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. In the left pane, double-click Devices and Providers , and then click Devices. In the right pane, right-click the device you want to configure, and then click Send.
This string is limited to 20 characters. Later, if you want to disable the fax device from sending faxes, right-click the device, and then click Send to clear the check mark. In the right pane, right-click the device you want to configure, click Properties , and then click the General tab.
To configure whether calls are answered automatically or manually, select the Receive faxes check box, and then do one of the following:. Click Automatic Answer to enable the fax device to answer calls automatically, and then type a number for the value in the Rings before answering field.
The default number of rings is 5. If your fax and telephone do not share a line, you should decrease this number. If your fax and telephone do share a line, and you decide to increase this number, do not increase it so much that the fax sender stops transmission. Later, if you want to disable the fax device from receiving faxes, right-click the device, and then clear either the Auto Receive or Manual Receive check box. For outgoing faxes, you can also configure receipts, whether you will enable your users to create and use personal cover pages, and what your organization will include in the banners of sent faxes.
Fax administrators have full control over the incoming fax queue. This queue is the collective queue for all receiving fax devices that are managed by the fax server—it corresponds to the Incoming folder. Users who are not members of the Administrators group need to be assigned permissions to view or manage the incoming fax queue. A fax remains in the incoming fax queue until it is received successfully and routed in accordance with the policy specified by the fax administrator. Only then is it moved to the inbox.
If a fax is not routed successfully for some reason, it remains in the incoming fax queue until it is deleted manually—or it is handled in accordance with the automatic deletion policy that you have configured for the fax queue. You can control incoming fax jobs handled by the Fax service by disabling the reception of faxes into the incoming fax queue.
If the reception of a fax is stopped while being received, but a portion of the fax is successfully received, the fax is assigned the Partially received status and is moved to the Inbox folder. On the General tab, select Disable reception of new faxes to block new faxes from being added to the incoming fax queue. Administrators can configure incoming fax routing methods to route incoming faxes to recipients on the network. In Fax Service Manager, there are incoming fax routing extensions that are global applied to all devices and others that are associated with just individual fax devices.
For global methods, you can set the priority order in which they are applied to an incoming fax. Non-Microsoft vendors can extend the global methods for incoming faxes. Extensions could include, for example, converting incoming files to specific file formats.
Individual incoming fax routing methods are configured per device. After a method is configured, it can then be enabled or disabled. More than one incoming fax routing method can be applied to incoming faxes, and if a method is disabled, the device skips that method and processes the incoming fax in order of global-level priority.
A disabled incoming fax routing method appears with an icon an arrow pointing down over it in the right pane. Route through e-mail. This issue can occur because of either of the following conditions:.
The path to the Drop folder is incorrect. To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:. In the Drop directory box, verify that the path to the Drop folder is valid. Either the Drop folder or the hard disk in which the Drop folder is located is full.
To troubleshoot this issue, free hard disk space in either the Drop folder or on the hard disk in which the Drop folder is located. To do so, start Microsoft Internet Explorer, and then type the following address in the Address bar:.
Click Close. How to configure the default domain. How to enable transaction logging. How to set relay restrictions. How to set up a smart host. Click the General tab. If you want to assign additional IP addresses to the virtual server, follow these steps: Click Advanced, and then click Add. Click OK, and then click OK.
Click OK. Right-click the default domain, and then click Properties. Click to select the Enable logging check box. Click Properties. Click the Access tab. Under Relay restrictions , click Relay. Do one of the following steps: Click Only the list below. Click Add. To configure a smart host, follow these steps: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager.
Click the Delivery tab, and then click Advanced. This issue can occur because of either of the following conditions: The path to the Drop folder is incorrect.
To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Services Manager. For each fax, it takes an average of 5 minutes to print it out, retrieve it from the printer, feed it into the fax machine, dial the destination fax number, send and wait for the transmission confirmation. This versatile Windows fax software features many add-ons. For example, with the API toolkit, you can fax-enable many of your existing applications from accounting packages to CRM systems.
The API toolkit also facilitates embedded addressing, eliminating the need for manual entry, automating the sending process, and making one to many communication less of a headache. If you need more information about a a fax server solution for Windows , please take a moment to learn more about Zetafax , download a free trial , watch a video tour , read about its features in detail , or contact us.
Take the tour of Zetafax and see how it can streamline your business faxing. See how much you could save with Zetafax, compared to using a conventional fax machine. Detailed features and technical information in one PDF document. We use cookies on this site.