Windows server 2003 domain controller terminal services

Sure enough. The Default Domain Policy had been changed again, not a good idea , granting the Allow log on through Terminal Services right to a global group in the domain only. Normally that should have been enough to allow log on through Terminal Services. So I had two problems. First, why could I not log on as a member of the Administrators group when the Default Domain Policy had been changed, and second; why was it not enough to add the TSUsers group to the Remote Desktop Users group to allow them to log on through Terminal Service?

By default, the Allow log on through Terminal Services right is controlled through the Local Computer Policy, the one you can edit with gpedit. The default setting for Windows Server is to grant this right to the Administrators and Remote Desktop Users local groups.

You must be a member of the Administrators group in the domain. That is probably what confused the person who had set up the server. That answered my second question. To solve this problem he edited the Default Domain Policy and gave the right to his domain group.

But in doing so he overrode the Local Computer Policy, which gives members of the Administrators group access. You must configure the registry settings on Windows based and Windows Server based terminal servers that are running in application mode so that they can discover the license server that issues the Windows or Windows Server TS CALs.

Do not contact Microsoft Clearinghouse if you have difficulty obtaining a TS CAL through the discovery process or for other issues that require troubleshooting of the operating system. Microsoft PSS and Microsoft Clearinghouse cannot help you to locate your licensing purchase agreement or authorization number s to install license key packages. To obtain this information, contact the reseller where you obtained your Microsoft product.

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Note You do not have to include the hyphen - characters when you enter the product key s. You need as much available horsepower as possible for Terminal Services, and running it on a domain controller can result in fewer resources available to your clients.

Select Terminal Server from the list of available roles to add to the server Figure B. Click Next. Note that Terminal Services installation requires a server restart; so close open programs and make sure that users are disconnected before finishing the installation. At this point, the server restarts automatically.

When you log back in to the machine, you're notified that this server now runs Terminal Services and that you need to activate a licensing server within days. After days, the terminal server will stop accepting unlicensed connections. Activating a licensing server involves first installing the Terminal Services licensing component and then activating the server with Microsoft. The server activation downloads a digital certificate from the Microsoft Clearinghouse that uniquely identifies this particular terminal server.

To perform these steps, do the following:. Select the activation method—automatic over the Internet, by telephone, or over the Web—and click Next Figure E. An automatic registration is the default and requires a server capable of initiating SSL connections to the Microsoft Clearinghouse. If your server can't access the Internet, you won't be able to use this method. You need to provide some information for the activation to proceed, including your name, company name, and country Figure F.

If you like, you can provide more information, such as your address, e-mail address, etc. After you do so, click Next. After you've supplied the required information, you'll see a summary screen indicating that your server is activated by Microsoft. At this point, you have the option to add client licenses via a wizard.

You can do this only if you've purchased Terminal Services client licensing packs from Microsoft. Each license pack includes some type of product key or agreement number that you must enter in order to install it. To install licenses after the initial installation, access the Terminal Services Licensing utility, right-click the licensing server, and select Install Licenses.

This will start the same wizard mentioned above. In order to be installed, client license packs require a product key or agreement number. For example, if you purchase a retail client license pack, it will include a character product key that identifies it. On the other hand, if you install license packs as a part of a licensing agreement, such as an Open License agreement, you need to provide the agreement number and, depending on the agreement, an agreement authorization number. After this, follow the remaining steps in the wizard to finish installing the licenses.


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