Windows server 2008 workgroup limitations

Home Solutions Forums. How can we help you today? Enter your search term here New support ticket. Check ticket status. Solution home General Server Solutions. Sorry we couldn't be helpful. To create a local user group policy for administrators, perform the following steps: 1.

Log on to the Windows Server R2 system with an account with administrator privileges. The Select Group Policy Object window opens and defaults to the local computer policy. Click the Browse button to choose a different policy.

On the Users tab, each local user account will be listed as well as Administrators and Non-Administrators. Select Administrators and click OK, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Selecting the local group policy for administrators. Because this policy only applies to users in the Administrators group, only the User Configuration node is present.

Configure at least one setting in this policy to create it and close the MMC window when the configuration of the local user group policy for administrators is complete. When prompted to save the console, click No and log off of the server. Log back on to the server with an account with local Administrator rights. Click Start, click in the Search pane, type cmd, and press Enter.

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