You should consult with a consumer attorney for legal advice and an accountant for individualized financial planning. Denise Richardson. Microsoft is warning Windows Live Hotmail users of a recent phishing scam that asks for the person's username, password, date of birth, and country or territory. Remember any reputable company will never ask you for your personal information via an e-mail.
Don't click on embedded links or dial an number when asked to verify account or personal information. For additional information phishing scams see earlier blogs. Tags : phishing , phishing scams. Leave a comment. Email Address. Remember personal info? Next to the horrible English, this is, by far, the most glaring example that this is a scam. You will lose your account if you do. Every day. Subscribe to Confident Computing! Less frustration and more confidence, solutions, answers, and tips in your inbox every week.
I too am amazed at how easily people fall for these scams. They are so obviously not legitmate, especially the example you have here. I have seen some very good attempts at phishing attacks that have fooled staff in my company and I have tried my best to educate peoeple that bascially a big company will not email you for this type of information ever, but people get scared by the threat so easily.
All they need to do is contact the company itself to verify if the email is legitimate before they hastily hit reply. So many recipients of this type of spam probably would not appreciate the grammatical points you make in this article. And for many recipients, English would not be their first language, and they might think that the spam is actually good English!
Cut him some slack. Picky, picky, picky! Microsoft is not immune to grammatical idiocy either. That would give them something else to do.. I cannot believe that anyone, even a new computer user luser could be so naive that they would even begin to think that this is a legit email.
Just goes to show. How does grammar come into this? Grammar is a false construct, attempting to rigidly control that which is by nature fluid and changeable. All languages change with use, and their grammar changes also. It seems that microsoft does not recognize my email address. I have been using for two tears. What is the problem? I feel victim by answering the scam, now all my contacts are receiveing emails that I am at a conference in england and lost my money please send money.
I can not access my account or change my password. The convoluted English used gives me the impression that it comes from Nigeria, e. Thanks a mil Leo! How do I veryfy?! As usual Leo has it right. I have been getting these emails for quite some time. They have been very proactive in closing down the email accounts associated with this phishing scam. Everyone who receives one of these emails should report it—tis quick and easy.
A greek girl i was with got this email and thought it was real, luckaly she asked me befor sending her info. Ok, I was really tired and taking medication so I did not pay enough attention. The e-mail seemed legit, the microsoft and return address again looked legit.
I was really concerned that my account would be closed so I went ahead and sent them the information. I should have known better, now that I think about it this would be the same scheme people would use to get your bank account and I would NEVER give them that information. So now I have a big problem. Is there any way to recover my hotmail account? If not, how to I close it? So I just deleted the email right away, I didnt reply, nothing. Just deleted it. I still doubted that hotmail actually disabled my account, so I asked a bunch of friends if their hotmail still works, and all of them said yes.
I have this Windows Live Hotmail about to close your account several times and regular scam mails from most banks, Pay Pal, Inland revenue etc since her account was Hi Jacked. My bank is clear in advising that on no account would they ever e-mail me about anything in regards to my account and would only contact me by posted mail if they needed to contact me, or by phone inviting me to call in to my branch.
They would never ask for any details about my account unless I phoned them. It is worth a mention that if a persons account is hi jacked one account could give a scamer hundreds of names and addresses and for this reason always delete previous addresses and use B.
C when forwarding a e-mail. Leo, thank you so much for your postings, as I do appreciate them. Protection delivered by the same tools Microsoft uses for business customers. Data encryption in your mailbox and after email is sent. Automatic deactivation of unsafe links that contain phishing scams, viruses, or malware. Premium Ransomware detection and recovery for your important files in OneDrive.
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