Vista critical updates download

Any suggestions? Start a completely new thread and give all the details of your situation. Reply to author. Report message as abuse. Show original message. Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Can somone help me please? There seems to be a lot of this C P going on! If anyone can help I would Appreciate it as now my computer is taking Ages "15 min" to Startup as well I don't know if this is related thanks in Hope.

Hi Dasha, You're actually on the wrong forum for XP, but I'll make a few comments anyway Please confirm your system clock and Time Zone also the Date set properly, Having it set incorrectly can cause this type of behavior.

Thanks Engel It will take me a day to try all of your solutions! A question if I may? Can you advise me how to run in safe mode? And you said this is the incorrect forum for XP!

Can you tell me the correct one? Thanks again and I will definatley let yo know how I went. Thank you also for your time and effort it is greatly appreciated. Dear Engel My deepest Gratitude goes to you!

I did all youi said and it worked I have just downloaded the whole 85 without a hitch and everything is well! Again Engel thank you very very much you are grately appreciated Dasha. Dear dean dean Thank you so much for your help it's all fixed did all you asked and they were in order and I also have tjhe Correct forum's to go too thanks to you and as you proberly know "Engel gave me a great deal of advice too!

It download the 85 without a whimper! So thank you for taking the time and effort to help me, I am very very gratfull. Yours Sincerly Dasha. Mike Kobb. Many thanks for this question and answer. Hi Mike K, Thanks for getting back to us with your success.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Engel. I was able to download, but not install windows updates. Followed your advice and the problem is solved! Hi Lesch, Thanks for posting this. R discussions. Thanks again Engel. Posted August 29, Thank you for the links. Can you tell the correct order to install those updates? Posted September 4, SIW2 Posted August 2, Posted August 2, edited.

I notice the downloaded files have 41 superfluous characters before the extension e. Posted August 3, SIW2 Posted August 3, Posted August 3, edited. Most of the downloaded files from the links provided in the lists are. So a little tweaking is required. Edited August 3, by SIW2. Posted August 4, SIW2 Posted August 6, Posted August 6, Thanks Jaclaz, that seems to do the job.

IntMD Posted August 8, Posted August 8, edited. Edited August 8, by IntMD. SIW2 Posted August 8, Edited August 8, by SIW2. Let me clarify a few things. Boss Posted September 7, Posted September 7, Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community.

Maybe try changing your system clock to Oct 5, at 3am? Hi, I noticed that also. This may be a dumb suggestion, but did you reboot your system? This link says to reboot when you get Event ID I have rebooted several times. The updates appear to be installing. It's on 2 of 3 right now. It was gving me errors almost immediately before. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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