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Share This Article. Includes all hardware and riser kit needed for proper clearance. Transmission must be supported until at least two 2 bolts have been installed and fully tightened. Step 2 After transmission and converter are bolted together check converter for freedom of movement. Make sure converter can rotate and has end-play. If converter has no end-play, converter was installed improperly.
Remove transmission and correct problem. Chrysler Transmissions: Align small hole in flexplate opposite converter drain plug. This will align all four 4 converter bolts properly.
Step 3 Complete the transmission installation only when end-play is satisfactory. Step 4 Elevate rear wheels 3" off ground. Install four 4 quarts transmission fluid. Use a good grade of automatic transmission fluid. BTE can supply you with racing fluid. Start engine and finish filling transmission as quickly as possible.
Do not overfill. Shift transmission through all gears with light throttle and recheck fluid level. Fluid level should be one 1 pint low with selector in neutral or park when vehicle is on level.
Check at operation temperature should be on full mark. Step 5 Inspect for leaks with engine running. Inspect all connections cooler lines and radiator fittings. Use caution, over-tightening can cause transmission case to burst at fittings. Do not use teflon tape. Back to Installation Guides. Removal Step 1 Before you begin - let vehicle cool for about an hour.
The standard deviation of the predictions using capacity to torque ratio was less than the standard deviation of calculated capacity.
Hence, it was shown that predictions based on torque were more precise than other calculations. Helical pier shafts varied from 1.
A capacity to torque ratio of 10 ft-1 was recommended for 1. Larger, 8" diameter tubular helical piers were tested, but capacity to torque ratios were much lower and more variable.
Larger square shaft piers were not included in the paper. The theoretical model presented previously by the author confirmed a number of conclusions drawn from previous empirical data. The theoretical capacity to torque ratio is generally independent of helix diameter, number of helical bearing plates, and soil type. It does depend on shaft diameter and other factors discussed below. The theoretical model suggests that a number of factors may affect the capacity to torque ratio.
Increased helical blade thickness results in higher torque without corresponding increases in theoretical bearing capacity. Increasing helix pitch also increases torque without theoretically affecting capacity. The standard deviation of the data presented by Hoyt and Clemence suggests that if a factor of safety of 2.
It is partly based on this fact and the experience of practicing engineers that a factor of safety of 2. The ASCE special publication on driven piles suggests that a factor of safety as low as 1. A factor of safety of 3. The load tests used by Hoyt and Clemence to recommend capacity to torque ratios were all taken relative to ultimate bearing capacity failure rather than allowable deflection. It is the author's experience that using a factor of safety of 2.
This draws the converter hub too far out of the pump drive gear causing the gear to rock. Below is a chart that shows how to measure for proper depth clearances. Please check for proper clearances. This is the distance between the engine block mating surface and the converter mount mating surface on the flywheel or flexplate. Compare the two measurements that you have taken. Pull converter off slightly, then push it on again, rotating it at the same time.
Continue to do this until you feel the converter move inward and stop at proper engagement. Do not proceed further until you have installed the converter properly.