Spread the players out in the field. Designate one player that the rest of the team must get the ball to. Separate players into two groups. Send half out into the field behind a line of cones and the other half to home plate. Certificate of Achievement. Certificate of Appreciation Template. Certificate of Completion Template.
Certificate of Excellence. Certificate of Recognition. Certificates for Kids. Congratulations Certificate. Diploma Certificate. Bill of Sale Template. Score Sheet Template. Are you sure you want to refresh all lists? All positions will be cleared and each replaced with a fresh copy of the lineup. Please first enter players into the batting lineup up to 16 players.
Then click the "refresh position lists" button to apply the players to each of the position menus. Click the "refresh position lists" button. This will apply the players to each of the position menus. There is no need to "refresh position lists" if you simply change the batting order.
As long as you do not add or remove players, you do not need to push the list to all position select menus. Choose an inning and begin assigning players to positions.
Add team names to the top of the diagram and more! If you don't need the rover position on your layout, then we recommend utilizing the baseball field diagrams and templates instead. Softball Field Layout. Softball field without player positions. Home Page. Link to This Page Contact Us.