Rated R for language. Did you know Edit. Trivia During a January LA Times interview with Emily Zemler, Stanley Tucci said that he was originally cast as Sam and Colin Firth as Tusker, but during their pre-filming discussions they both came to agree that they should switch the roles: "'We sat down and started talking about the script and where we'd be shooting, and then Colin said, "Stanley, I think maybe we should switch roles,"' remembers Tucci, who initially brought the film to Firth after meeting with Macqueen.
I just felt it. So we read both ways for Harry-and I could tell Harry was panicked when we told him-and it was evident. I picked five or 10 scenes from the film, and they were kind of brilliant at both roles, as you can imagine. But there was just something about the quintessential Englishness that Colin brought to Sam and a kind gregarious energy that Stanley immediately brought to [the American] Tusker, which made the lighter moments in the film really sing.
It just felt right all of a sudden. Quotes Tusker : But being sad when something is gone, just means it was great while it was there. User reviews Review. Top review. A melancholic but powerful tale of love and loss. And the dialogues between the two leads are straightforward despite addressing deep and complex themes such as life and death, past and future.
The other outstanding element is the photography direction of Dick Pope, who presents images of great visual beauty of the English countryside with postcard-like framing that highlights the calming qualities of nature. Details Edit. Release date January 29, United States. United Kingdom. Box office Edit. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 1 hour 35 minutes. Related news. Jan 1 Den of Geek.
Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Top Gap. What was the official certification given to Supernova in Brazil? See more gaps Learn more about contributing. Edit page. See the entire gallery. Most Anticipated Movies Coming in Watch the video. Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.
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