Standalone iso 27001 isms documentation toolkit

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The benefits of our ISO documentation toolkits Our ISO documentation toolkit has been used by more than 2, clients, helping them to: Save time and money Use the complete set of mandatory and supporting ISMS documentation templates to save time and money. Avoid duplication and mistakes Create the right documents with professional direction and guidance from expert ISO practitioners. Which ISO toolkit is best for you?

Speak to an expert. This website uses cookies. A royal wedding, an Arab Spring, Amy Winehouse dying along with many other notable characters , and some terrible earthquakes around the world.

We also had our first earthquake in Alliantist too relatively speaking it was a nasty shock ; a need to achieve ISO And achieve it with an independent UKAS certification to satisfy our most important customer. So we nodded our heads to the customer and went away to find out what was involved. The tremors continued for some time afterwards.

At that stage many years before we developed ISMS. The customer involved loved our specialist pam secure cloud software service and told us that the ISO information security management system standard was becoming necessary because they were seeing our platform as essential for sharing more sensitive information than before.

We did what most people do when they need to research something; search online. We also had to hope there was a quick ISO implementation win available at a price we could afford because the cost was not factored into the agreement concluded with the customer, and we had to do it quite fast. Early searches led us to understand that having ISO documentation was important. And we checked out the paid stuff too as we all know, free rarely is in practice.

The internet and this topic has obviously come along way in 8 years and so has regulation with things like GDPR meaning information security management is even more important to everyone now not just the educated customer. That latter decision was pivotal for us for many reasons, not least understanding the standard structure, the numbering and being much clearer on what all the expectations were.

The toolkits turned out to be a poor scope of basic excel and word documents with old fashioned version control mechanisms and no clarity for what we were supposed to do next. Could we just tweak those ISO templates, dump that into a google drive or sharepoint site and show the external auditor we were ready for our Stage 1 Audit? Not quite.

We wasted lots of time on trying to figure that out. The opportunity cost of our consulting day rate was becoming significant and we were no closer to the goal of a certified ISMS that our customer could trust. On reflection it is analogous to the purchase of an umbrella for solving an earthquake risk; a possibly helpful asset but nowhere near enough, and you could have spent that money more effectively.

Perhaps it is even a liability if you were to also get stabbed in the eye by the pointy umbrella too when you were unsure what to do with it during the earthquake……. Perhaps, although wikipedia mentions spreadsheets as an example of a tool! Thank you. While this website , the ISO27k Toolkit and ISO27k Forum are provided entirely free of charge, there are substantial costs in providing these services. Aside from the costs involved in publishing and maintaining the website, we invest hundreds of hours per year in writing materials, responding to queries and so forth in conjunction with the ISO27k community.

We are very grateful to the commercial sponsors who advertise on this site, and to those who contribute materials. Thank you too! Please observe the copyright notices and Terms of Use.

ISMS information risk management process flowchart describes the information risk management activities, contributed by Bachir Benyammi. ISMS implementation plan - a skeleton or starter plan for you to expand and amend to suit your situation.

Contributed by Marty Carter. Contributed by Ed Hodgson and team, in English and Spanish. Contributed by members of the ISO27k Forum. Contributed by Gary Hinson. ISO27k security awareness presentation v2 contributed by Mohan Kamat. Faisal Javed.


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