No matter what you do with your facial or head hair, someone is always going to criticize it, or be turned off by it. I once shaved off an eight-month beard because I was interested in dating someone, and had read an article that said women found men with stubble to be the most attractive.
Actually, we were a total disaster. I swore I would never shave my beard off for someone again. That held true until I was offered a job that came with an expectation of no facial hair. My gut said no, but my mouth and my need to pay my bills said yes. Never make decisions about your facial hair based on what you think the world wants to see. There is, of course, the Zappa mustache style , but that is a very distinct look that combines a soul patch with a horseshoe mustache.
The chevron mustache soul patch combo is different—or so I tell myself. Comedian Marc Maron wore the chevron mustache and soul patch combo for a while. Phil Jackson has worn it off and on throughout his coaching career. Perhaps my new soul patch is overshadowed by the mustache. Or maybe, just maybe, is a more accepting time and place for the mouche. Every now and then, someone makes a comment about my soul patch or asks a question about it. I like my mustache way too much, and as I mentioned above, letting external influences dictate my facial hair and style choices never ends well for me.
Change up your style every now and then and step out of your comfort zone. Want to talk about soul patches, or need some grooming and style advice? Shoot us a message at support beardbrand. In this blog, we highlight 21 of the most popular beard styles and how to grow them. Learn about all the different mustache styles in this definitive guide. Check out the definitive guide to goatee styles. A soul patch is defined as a tuft of hair that grows under the bottom lip. Happy shopping! Dryness, flakes, itchiness, and irritated skin.
These are all-too-common afflictions for many beard growers Beard envy is a real thing, and there is one kind of beard that inevitably makes other men green with Soul patch meaning So what exactly is a soul patch?
What does a soul patch say about you? Benefits of having a soul patch Aside from the stylistic appeal of the soul patch, there are other benefits to this minimalistic style. Looks like you've changed your theme and now DropInBlog's code needs to be re-added to your theme files. Follow these instructions to solve this right away.
Or hit us up on Messenger if you'd like some help. View all products. MY BAG. Forgot Your Password? Thanks for subscribing! Continue shopping. Then the patch grew more famous during the s and s. Musicians like Tom Waits and Frank Zappa created their own styles, and by , Rolling Stone magazine had picked up the trend with a feature on the Blues Brothers.
See more Musicians with Beards. Some of the best musicians, famous celebrities, and artists have worn the soul patch. The trend grew popular in the s and remains on-trend for men who want to style their facial hair a little differently. The question is whether you think it will look good on you. Before we get into the different styles, do you know how to trim this thatch of hair? Soul patch combos are often paired with beards, goatees , mustaches, chin straps, or sideburns.
Hair typically grows in about two weeks if you have just shaved. To shape best, you can use an electric trimmer , shaver, or beard scissors. Any man can wear a soul patch, but if you want to partner it up with other facial hair, you should get familiar with trimming and styling your beard hair first.
Otherwise, you may end up with an off-center or smaller patch than you initially wanted. They also go naturally with your facial shape because they attach to your bottom lip. You can accentuate yours and draw attention to your lip or chin. Picking the right style really depends on what types of angles you want to create and the texture of your facial hair as well. Dark to black-haired men can create a soul patch look really easily, but it can also look too thick or overgrown if not trimmed.
You can probably get away with a smaller patch because of the striking black color. Fair-haired individuals may need a thicker patch underneath their lip. Do you have wispy, thin hair or coarse, thick hair? Fine hair may need more time to grow and will likely take up more space so you can create a definitive look. Soul patches may help define your lips, but they may not look good on thin lips.
Thick patches look better on smaller lips, but the jazz dot or triangle patch looks better with a fuller lip. A soul patch can enhance your beard style and mustache style. If you have a thick patch paired with a thick goatee or a full beard, it shows off a unique grooming pattern. Tony Stark has one of the most unique soul patch and beard combinations.
Whether you want to grow a small patch under your lip or have a think for Frank Zappa, here are some soul patch styles that started off the trend.