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Thomas J. Elliott, Mile Gu, Andrew J. Garner, and Jayne Thompson Phys. Quantum information processing can provide a significant competitive advantage for any system that must adapt to its environment, an enhancement that scales without bound.

The statistics of ratios between successive energy levels in certain quantum systems can reveal additional, possibly hidden, symmetries as well as distinguish between regular and chaotic behavior. Focus story on: C. Ryan-Anderson et al. X 11 , Viewpoint on: M. Kramer et al.

Variational quantum algorithms could help researchers improve the performance of optical atomic clocks and of other quantum-metrology schemes.

Viewpoint on: Raphael Kaubruegger et al. Researchers successfully use an array of quantum dots to create and study a Heisenberg spin chain. Synopsis on: C.

The control of molecular-level quantum effects in artificial photosynthetic membranes is a powerful tuning knob for optimizing long-range energy transport, according to a theoretical study. Huelga, and Martin B. Plenio Phys. Departing Lead Editors Cristina Marchetti and Jean-Michel Raimond reflect on the evolution of the journal and share its anniversary plans. APS Editor in Chief, Michael Thoennessen, discusses a new opportunity for communicating authors to include their pronouns together with their contact email in order to promote a more respectful, inclusive, and equitable environment.

Opening for submissions later this year, PRX Energy is a new, highly selective open access journal from APS that will communicate and facilitate important advances in energy science and technology for the benefit of humanity.

Article publication charges APCs will be waived for a limited time. Learn about our response to COVID , including freely available research and expanded remote access support. X 12 , In dark-matter detectors, three processes that arise from interactions with high-energy particles mimic sought-after signals, explaining observed excesses and requiring mitigation to discover low-mass dark matter.

X 12 , Using superconducting circuits, an experiment demonstrates a set of universal gates for quantum computing with microwave photon qubits, which could find use in future distributed quantum networks. Forums New posts Search forums. What's new New posts Latest activity. Members Current visitors. Log in Register. Search titles only. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. Log in. Install the app. Contact us. Close Menu. Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users.

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