Or complete the application below and then fax it, mail it, or bring it to your local TDHS office. If you have questions about child care payment assistance or need a paper application, please email childcare. Learn more about Smart Steps on the Smart Steps flyer, by clicking here. Have more questions?
Contact a child care licensing office near you. Contact information can be found by clicking here. Skip to Main Content. Go to TN. Print This Page. You can search by both geographic area and child care program type.
Some licensed programs choose to not be listed in EEC's searchable directory. If a program that you are looking for doesn't appear in your search results, you can call your local EEC office to confirm whether the program is licensed. Family Child Care, sometimes referred to as "home daycare", is child care provided in someone's home where the caretaker is not related to the children. Group and School Age Child Care programs provide early education and care for young children in a non-residential setting such as a school or community center.
Choosing a program for your infant, preschooler, or school age child is a very personal choice for each family. This form only gathers feedback about the website. Would you like to provide additional feedback to help improve Mass. How much do you agree with the following statements in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree?
If you would like to continue helping us improve Mass. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Here's how you know Official websites use. Skip table of contents. Show More Table of contents. Report Abuse. Review Data. DHS Sites. Contact Us. Page Content. This is called a subsidy payment. You will pay a part of the cost. This is called the family co-pay. The subsidy payment and the family co-pay go directly to the child care program.
Guidelines You must submit an application to the ELRC to see if you meet the guidelines for the subsidized child care program. The following are the basic guidelines: You must live in Pennsylvania Have a child or children who need child care while you work or attend an education program Meet income guidelines for your family size Work 20 or more hours a week - or- Work 10 hours and go to school or train for 10 hours a week Have a promise of a job that will start within 30 days of your application for subsidized child care Teen parents must attend an education program The child who needs care must be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residency Have proof of identification for each parent or caretaker in the home.
Additional Guidelines Each adult family member must work at least 20 hours a week or work at least 10 hours a week and participate in an approved training program at least 10 hours a week.
The hours that a child may receive subsidized child care must coincide with hours of work, education, or training. Children are eligible for care from birth until the day prior to the date of the child's 13th birthday.
Children with disabilities may be eligible through age The parent is responsible to help pay for child care. This is called a co-payment. The parent may choose the provider of his or her choice. The parent may choose a child care center, a small family day care home, a group day care home or even a relative to care for his or her child.
The parent who is receiving a subsidy must choose an eligible child care provider. Relative providers must complete an Agreement with the ELRC, must comply with the participation requirements listed in the Agreement and must complete CareCheck in order to be eligible to participate in the Subsidized Child Care Program.