Print to cups-pdf printer from windows

Inspect to be sure only the two paths were changed, and there are no missing or extra characters or spaces inserted. Make a backup copy beforehand if unsure, and remember ctrl z undo is your friend. For those of you who have symlinked folders this will be helpful. In the 'K'Ubuntu The defaults are good as below, retain them as is. That's all that needs done. Ubuntu Community Ask! Sign up to join this community.

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Then on your windows computer you will create a new tcp port and point it towards your Pi. I can say this will be a good learning exercise. While it does work and work well, I might think you could find other uses for your Pi. Thanks for the response, George. I've been messing with this more doing testing and just can't get it to work from Windows.

Exact same printer I added on a Macbook Air and it worked just fine. Drop down to the command line and see if you have the lpq program. The lpq command should respond with an empty queue.

If you don't have the lpq command then add the lpr or unix printing features to your win10 box understand I don't have to manage win10 boxes so these instructions are for the older OSs.

If you can get an affirmative with lpq then win10 printing should work. Understand with lpd running on your linux box, there is no processing that happens on the linux box. CUPS is not really involved other than moving the print job from the network port to the usb port. Is there something on the PI that could be blocking it or firewall or something I can look at perhaps?

BrentWassell, thank you for your inquiry and to the other IT Pros for their very helpful input. Here is some additional information:. Could be Windows 10 firewall is blocking the communication. Very often CUPS difficulties are related to permissions. However I would incline to a resolution mentioned here Windows 7 cannot see a Linux shared printer.

BrentWassell, since you are using the Windows 10 native drive, you may want to try the following:. I also had the same problem.

I found this thread while looking for advice. However, I could not find how to get the "Configure Internet Port" dialog box. Acrobat used to get be supplied with a PDF printer but it no longer works on the Mac due to printer architecture changes.

It still works on Windows although it seems Adobe is in agreement with this one that the PDF printer is a bad thing. Some remaining alternatives are:. Perhaps it would be possible to ask the user for a filename and destination by using CUPS-PDF and telling it to run an Automator script that does the asking before passing the result back to pstopdf.

This is easy to change , not necessarily so easy to make it actually work. Set the location in cups-pdf. For example:. If you run this app from the command line yourself, it runs the Automator app. Click Devices. Click Add a printer or scanner. If Windows detects your printer, click on the name of the printer and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation.

Print from a standard printer On your computer, open Chrome. Open the page, image, or file you want to print. Click File. In the window that appears, select the destination and change your preferred print settings. To preview each page, select the forward and backward arrows at the bottom of the page. If the text is too small to read, use the zoom slider at the bottom of the page to enlarge it.

Choose the number of copies, and any other options you want, and select the Print button. Locate the Word document on your Windows 10 computer and open it in Microsoft Word.


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