Officebridge manual

Files Shows a list of files in the open folder Click to select the file to be read. Enter the file name, select where you want to save it, and then click [OK]. Open the Word document, and select [Print]. Page Follow the same steps as described above for the Excel document also. Select the folder created in 1 above, right-click it, and select [FolderSend].

Conversion of data into TIFF format for backup is also possible. This enables viewing of the image even while OfficeBridge is not running. You may also click [Browse] and select the folder.

Check the settings, and click [GO] if they are correct. Page Chapter 3 Useful functions Information : Select [Retain after send] if the file should not be deleted. This will allow anyone to log on regardless of password knowledge. Page Minimized Screen Setting Chapter 4 Management with OfficeBridge Minimized screen setting You can set screen actions when the screen minimization button is clicked. Descriptions Task Tray When the screen minimization button is clicked, the OfficeBridge icon is placed on the task tray.

Open the print folder, and select [File] - [New folder]. Renaming a folder Right-click the folder, and select [Rename]. Information : You may also select [File] - [Rename] to modify the folder name.

When multiple users work on a single PC, the data in this folder can be shared among the users. Select [I want to use shared folder], and click [Browse]. Select the folder you want to save shared data in, and click [OK]. A [Shared Folder] is added in the tree view. Copy or move scanned data or other data in a personal folder into this folder and use them as shared data.

Click [Print]. Information : You may also select [File] - [Print] to produce print output. Subject Enter the subject. Date Modified Specify the date and time when the file was created. If you do not want to specify the date and time, select [All files]. Page Registering Sender Chapter 4 Management with OfficeBridge Registering sender The sender you register here will appear as the sender's information on the fax cover page. Registration of sender Select [Tool] - [Setting] - [Sender].

Fill in each field, and click [OK]. Zipcode Enter zip code. Address Enter address. TelNumber Enter telephone number. FaxNumber Enter fax number. SubAddress Enter sub-address.

Select [Tool] - [Setting] - [Change Password]. Select [File] - [Empty Trash]. Clear the selection to hide the button descriptions. Page Checking Fax Transmission Information Chapter 4 Management with OfficeBridge Checking fax transmission information You can check information about a sent fax, such as recipient and status of transmission.

Select the fax data, right-click it, and then click [Property]. Page Checking Fax Reception Information Chapter 4 Management with OfficeBridge Checking fax reception information You can check information about a received fax, such as sender name and status of reception. Click [Option]. Select options under Print Mode, and click [OK]. Information : You may also click [View] - [Sort] to rearrange data similarly. Page Chapter 4 Management with OfficeBridge Capable of including such data as company name, department name and address, the registration is useful as an address book.

Add New recipient can be registered. Arrange Registered recipients can be sorted either by recipient name or by company name. By recipient name: Registered recipients are sorted by recipient name. By company name: Registered recipients are sorted by company name.

Appears when a fax number is registered. Clear the selection to hide button descriptions. Similarly, select [View] - [Tool Bar] - [Standard] to show toolbars, and clear the selection to hide toolbars. Click [Add]. Information : You may also click [Edit] - [Add] to add a registration. User name Enter recipient name. Up to characters can be entered.

Company Enter recipient company name. Browse You can select a company already registered and copy its registration data company name, department, zip code, address, telephone number and fax number. Caution : You cannot finish registration until entries in the following items are completed.

Information : You may also click [Edit] - [Add] to add registration. Fill in the Group field, and click [OK]. Click the recipient you want to register, and click [Add]. Page Chapter 5 Using Address Book The following screen appears when two or more items among fax number, e-mail address and user ID have been registered for the selected recipient.

Determine the transmission method, and click [OK]. The screen does not appear when just one item has been registered. Group Enter the name you want to register. Register recipients in the Share Group.

Click the [Modify] button. Information : You may also click [Edit] - [Modify] to make modifications. Select the Address Catalog to which you want to paste. Select [Tool] - [Setting]. Select [Other share addressbook set], and click [Browse]. Information : The [OfficeBridge] folder is created in the location specified during the installation.

Select [File] - [Import]. Select the file you want to import, and click [Open] to import the data. Address book data has the following format. Examples Description of each field From top to end ID number For details of exporting to other programs, consult the instruction manual of each program. Select [File] - [Export]. Select where to save, type a file name, and click [Save] to convert the data into CSV format.

CoverPage Editor helps you create a fax cover page. As it is capable of inserting the information registered in the Address Book, there is no need to make a cover page for each recipient. Information : You may also select [Insert] - [Text Object] to enter text. Drag the pointer and define the space to enter text. Enter text. To change font and font size, drag to select the text. Drag the pointer wherever you want to draw a line. Rectangle Click the [Rectangle] button. Drag the pointer wherever you want to create an ellipse.

Click the [Font], [Colors and Lines] and [Config] tabs to make the proper adjustments. Click the [Bring Forward] button. Information : You may also select [Layer] - [Bring Forward] to perform this job.

The object is brought to the front. Click the [Send Backward] button. Information : You may also select [Layer] - [Send Backward] to perform this job. The object is sent to the back. Page Chapter 6 Using CoverPage Editor Aligning left end of object Click the [Select] button, and drag the pointer to select the objects you want to align.

Click the [Align Left] button. Click the [Align Top] button. Click the [Copy] button. Information : You may also select [Edit] - [Copy] to copy an object. Paste After selecting the object you want to paste by clicking the [Cut] or [Copy] button, click the [Paste] button. Information : You may also select [View] - [Zoom In] to get a magnified view. Reduction Click the [Zoom out] button. Information : You may also select [View] - [Zoom Out] to get a reduced view.

Showing grid lines Select [View] - [Grid] to show grid lines. Subject : Inserts the subject to be entered when sending. Pages : Inserts automatically the number of pages to be sent. Select the picture file you want to insert, and open it. Scrolling screen The magnified view screen can be scrolled by keyboard operation. Information : You may also select [File] - [Print Preview] to view a print image.

Print Select [File] - [Print] to print output. Save Click the [Save] button. Image Viewer can display a fax or scanned image received by OfficeBridge. Image Viewer can also retouch an image or convert its file format into another format. Drag the pointer and define the space to enter the text. Enter the text. To change the font and font size, drag to select the text. Straight line Click the [Line] button. Drag the pointer wherever you want to create a rectangle.

Ellipse Click the [Ellipse] button. Click the [Eraser] button. Click the button to change the size. Page Chapter 7 Using Image Viewer Sending object backward Click the [Select] button, and then click the object you want to send backward. Page Chapter 7 Using Image Viewer Aligning left end of object Click the [Select] button, and drag the pointer to select the objects you want to align. Paste Click the [Select] button, and select the object you want to paste. Click the [Paste] button.

Fitting Width You can fit the width of the document to the width of the viewer. Information : You may also select [Move] - [Previous Page] to display the previous page. Displaying next page Click the [Next Page] button. Information : You may also select [Move] - [Next Page] to display the next page. Displaying last page Click the [Last Page] button. Page Chapter 7 Using Image Viewer Click the arrow buttons under [Move Direction], and bring the Angle guide to the reference position vertically and horizontally.

Angle guide Enter the angle or change it with the key. Adjust the guide angle to the reference in 2 above, and click the [Horizontal] or [Vertical] button. Information : You may also select [File] - [Print] to print output. Information : You may also select [File] - [Save] to save a file. Up to fax events, including sent and received faxes, can be recorded. Displays numbers serially B. Address Displays only one address at the top C. Date Displays the date of transmission D. Date Displays the date of reception D.

Subject Displays the subject of the received e-mail E. Status Displays the transmission status C. Owner Displays the name of the client requesting the job D. Document name Displays the document name of the job B. Status Displays the current status of the job C.

Displayed message Message Remedy Logon Failed. Restart the client PC. The new password was not The password entered for confirmation is not identical to the correctly confirmed. Select [File] - [Log on] and log on again. Please logon again. If unable to log on, check the server connection and restart the client PC. Cannot find shared Address Check the setting. Also check the operation of the computer Book. Page Index Index Address Book overview Page Sharing data Page Muratec America, Inc.

Printed in Japan D Print page 1 Print document pages. Setting the Machine Status Exporting Machine Settings Importing Machine Settings Specifying Document Box Settings Saving Transmitted Data Archive Settings Specifying Archive Settings Specifying the Archive Destination Backing Up Documents Specifying Backup Settings Specifying the Backup Document Display Checking the Backup Log Setting Security Setting User Policies Setting the Machine Policy Setting Access Restrictions.

Setting ScanTag ScanTag Settings. Managing Events InfoMonitor About InfoMonitor. Setting InfoMonitor. Using InfoMonitor Starting CoverPage Editor CoverPage Editor Editing Screen.

Cover Page Creation Procedure. Specifying Object Settings Editing an Object Printing a Cover Page Uploading Cover Pages to OfficeBridge OfficeBridge is a management system that enables highly functional document management by connecting with computers on the network. Normally, the content of faxes is checked by printing them out to paper, but OfficeBridge enables the content of faxes to be checked as images on a computer. This enables you to save storage space because the images can be saved to a hard disk or CD-R, etc.

Hard disk. For example, received order forms and invoices can be forwarded to other employees in the same company without printing them to paper paperless reception.

Overview of OfficeBridge. The functions of the machine can be registered and edited directly from a computer. This screen is used for logging in to OfficeBridge. See page Select the user to log in as from the displayed list of users. When you enter OfficeBridge, you see the machine status. On this screen, you can set up various functions.

When you logged in as a user or guest, click [Document Boxes] to switch to the document list screen. Login to OfficeBridge, and press [Document Boxes] to display this screen. Operations such as transmitting, forwarding, and printing documents are also performed on this screen. After performing an administrator login:The name of the device being used is displayed. Click it to display the first page. Click it to display the last page.

The displayed function buttons depend on the type of document list screen. The types and functions of the buttons are indicated below. If you click this, transmission of the document is canceled. Prints the document selected in the document list. See page. Click to display a document list in text format. Click to display a document list in thumbnail format. Displays a list of all unread documents, regardless of whether they were sent to a personal or shared destination.

Displays a list of all deleted documents, regardless of whether they are personal or shared. This document list is shared with other registered users.

The displayed documents are the same for all users. To delete a document permanently, select it and click. If you disable the document list, it is not displayed.

Document Box Name Displays the name of the document box in which the document is stored or was stored before being deleted. This document list is specific to each registered user. The displayed documents vary according to the user. Documents sent from the machine are listed here, if they were sent while the user logging in to the machine.

Documents are also stored in the user box when the user box is specified from the fax driver. A Web browser is used to operate OfficeBridge. In this chapter, the procedure for using Internet Explorer is used as an example. Perform user registration before using OfficeBridge. If there is a shortcut to OfficeBridge on the desktop, you can double click the shortcut to start the Web browser and access OfficeBridge.

Select the user to log in as from the list of users. If you select a user, the user ID is entered automatically. Click this link to display the user registration screen. Operating the Various Functions. The next time you access OfficeBridge, the stored user ID is automatically entered.

You can log in to OfficeBridge without entering a user ID and password. The guest user restrictions can be changed in the machine policy. SSL communication encrypts the data communicated between the computers and OfficeBridge to prevent the theft and modification of data by outside parties. If you perform an SSL login, the response time will be slower than a regular login because encryption and authentication are performed for the data. If no users are registered, press [Logout] after connecting to OfficeBridge to log in to the administrator screen.

Perform the logout procedure when you want to close OfficeBridge or switch users. This is particularly important when multiple users are using the same computer, as other users will be able to see your files if you remain logged in.

Make sure to perform the logout procedure for security purposes. If you do not access OfficeBridge for 30 minutes, you are automatically logged out. You can specify destinations and transmit documents scanned on the machine via fax. You can also transmit the document as an e-mail attachment by specifying the e-mail address of the destination.

You can transmit the scanned documents and received documents on a document list screen to a destination via fax or e-mail. Select the document to transmit on the document list screen and specify the settings on the transmission settings screen. The document is reserved if there are other transmission jobs, and is then transmitted when the other documents have been transmitted.

Cover pages uploaded to OfficeBridge can be attached to documents for transmission. Transmission is performed with the selected cover page attached to the start of the document.

You can add or delete documents after selecting documents. Documents created in an application can be transmitted together if you add them after saving them to the shared box or a user box using the fax driver.

A list of the documents in the selected box is displayed. You can also switch the number of items displayed and the displayed page. You can delete documents by selecting the document name displayed in this list and clicking [Delete]. To select and delete all the displayed documents, select the top checkbox. To change the order, select the document name to move, and click [Move upward] or [Move downward].

The selected document moves up or down one level each time you click the button. Click to display the selected documents in the thumbnail format. The transmission settings screen is displayed with the same settings as last time specified. You can change each setting on the transmission settings screen. If there are no other jobs in queue, the document is sent immediately; if there are other jobs in queue, the document will be sent when those jobs are complete.

To send a document to a reroute destination when the reroute function is enabled, the system automatically resends the document by fax if a communication error occurs in e-mail transmission.

The document transmission is canceled. The following four methods are available for specifying destinations. The methods can be used in conjunction with each other. You cannot enter both at the same time. The name and company name will automatically be entered if they are found in the destination history.

Up to 50 characters can be entered for an e-mail address. Up to 30 destinations can be set. If only a fax number is registered, [Fax] is displayed. If only an e-mail address is registered, [Mail] is displayed. A destination cannot be registered as an e-mail destination unless it has an e-mail address registered. When transmitting documents to users or groups registered in OfficeBridge, you can easily specify destinations on the user selection screen.

You cannot search for a company name by itself. When searching for a company name, also enter the name, fax number, or e-mail address. A destination cannot be registered as an e-mail destination unless it has an e-mail address registered in the LDAP data. If you forward a document to the shared box, all the registered users can view that document.

You can forward the documents in a document list to the shared box, other users or user groups. Name To change the name, manually change the file name in the entry box.

Up to 80 characters can be entered. The history of the latest 10 document names and up to 20 document names registered in the template settings is displayed. To change the name, manually change the document category in the entry box.

Up to 20 characters can be entered. The latest 10 registered or viewable document categories are displayed in the history. The hold time indicates the storage period for the document stored in the reception. Select a user or group from the destination list, and click [Add] to add it to the. You can import documents created in application software such as Microsoft Word and transmit them to the shared box where they can be viewed by all the registered users.

To perform this operation, you must install the Muratec Fax driver in your computer in advance. Welcome to ManualMachine. We have sent a verification link to to complete your registration. Log In Sign Up. Forgot password? Enter your email address and check your inbox.

Please check your email for further instructions. Enter a new password. Please read this guide before operating this machine. After you finish reading this guide, keep it handy for easy reference. How to Read This Manual Operational and Safety Information In this manual, the following symbols are used with the items where important operational and safety information must be observed. Symbol Meaning Warning Describes warnings to protect yourself and others from serious or potentially fatal injury if you handle the machine incorrectly.

For safe operation, please follow instructions carefully. Caution Notes a caution to protect yourself and others from personal injury or damage to properties if you handle the machine incorrectly. Describes reference information and additional notes for operation.

Note About the screens This manual uses the screens of the MFX standard model, unless otherwise stated. Contents How to Read This Manual Introduction to OfficeBridge OfficeBridge is a management system that enables highly functional document management by connecting with computers on the network.

Order form Destination Fax Network. The content of faxes can also be saved as a PDF file. Save as digital document Order form Hard disk Media. Using Faxes on Computers Received faxes can be re-used on a computer.

Network Forward received document Sharing Information Information can be shared by distributing scanned documents to specific members. Distribute as shared document.

Login Screen This screen is used for logging in to OfficeBridge. If the user ID selection is displayed, you can automatically enter the user ID by selecting a name. User ID. User ID Selection Select the user to log in as from the displayed list of users. Item Description 4 Number Displays the numbers provided when users were registered. If a user name has not been set, the user ID is displayed. You can filter users by group name. After performing a user login: The number and name of the user who is logged in are displayed.

Otherwise, nothing is displayed. The login screen for the administrator screen may be displayed, depending on the security settings. If you click [Logout], the logout process is performed, and the display returns to the login screen.

Before login: [Admin Login] is displayed. After login: [Logout] is displayed. Note If you perform a logout on the administrator screen when there are no users, a guest login is performed automatically and the screen after a guest user login is performed is displayed.

The default font size is medium. The font size setting is retained until it is changed, even after a logout is performed.

If you move the mouse cursor over the graph, you can display the current disk space as a number. If is displayed, increase the remaining space by downloading documents to a computer or deleting documents. Function Buttons Displays the functions you can use on the displayed document list screen.

Note The displayed function buttons depend on the type of document list screen. Type Description Transmit Transmits the document selected in the document list.

Forward Forwards the document selected in the document list to another user or group. Print Prints the document selected in the document list. Download Downloads the document selected in the document list to a computer. Type Description Delete Deletes the document selected in the document list. If you click this, a confirmation message is displayed.

Search again Displayed after executing a document search. Click this to display the search screen again. The search conditions you entered for the previous search are entered on the displayed search screen. Text Display and Thumbnail Display Click to display a document list in text format.

Documents are removed from this document list as soon as they are read. Deleted Documents Box Displays a list of all deleted documents, regardless of whether they are personal or shared.

The items displayed are indicated below. Item Description Checkbox To select a document, select the corresponding checkbox. Document Name Displays the file name of the document. Category Displays the set document category. Note If you select a document category from the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed documents by category.

Size Displays the paper size of the document. Item Description Page s Displays the total number of pages for the document. Note By selecting a document box name from the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed documents by document box name.

Date Displays the date and time that the document was stored or deleted. Rx Box Displays a list of the received documents. Shared Rx Box This screen displays a list of shared documents received by users. Document Name For the Tx Box, the destination name and fax number or e-mail address of the document is displayed.

If it is delayed transmission, the document remains in standby until the specified time is reached. Sending: The transmission process is being executed. Redial: The document is waiting for redialing. OK: The transmission has been completed successfully. Error: An error has occurred during transmission. Canceling: The transmission is being canceled. Cancel: The transmission has been canceled. Sending rerouted Tx: The reroute transmission is being executed.

Rerouted Tx OK: The reroute transmission has been completed successfully. Rerouted Tx Error: An error has occurred during reroute transmission. Canceling rerouted Tx: The reroute transmission is being canceled. Cancel rerouted Tx: The reroute transmission has been canceled. If you select a result from the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed documents by result.

Note For reroute transmission, the address before rerouting is displayed, and the result of the reroute transmission is displayed as the communication result. OK: The reception has been completed successfully. Error: An error has occurred during reception. Waiting to print: The reception is complete and the document is waiting to be printed.

Printing received doc. Page s Displays the total number of pages for the document. When the document is reserved, displays the date and time when the document was reserved.

Shared Box A list of the documents stored as shared documents is displayed. Item Description Date Displays the date and time when the document stored. Note Perform user registration before using OfficeBridge.

User Description Administrator Can specify all the machine settings. If you set an administrator password, only the administrator can specify machine settings. User Personal settings can be specified for each user by creating user information such as a user ID and password. Can specify some of the machine settings. Guest This type of user logs in without entering a password. If no users are registered, you are logged in as a guest. Note If you perform an SSL login, the response time will be slower than a regular login because encryption and authentication are performed for the data.

All the machine settings can be specified on the administrator screen.


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