That's precisely what 4A are aiming to do with Last Light, and that means it could be a classic if they're successful. John had a first glimpse of the game back during E3. The game will also be using a variant of DICE's Frostbite engine, which means it could have the same level of fidelity as Battlefield 3, as well as lots of exploding scenery.
Game of Thrones RPG. The game of Mr Martin's fantasy feudalism is being made by Cyanide, which means there's some scepticism about how good it's going to be, which is something that will dampen the excitement we might otherwise feel about this enormously popular book-to-TV series becoming a game. If they can get the backstabbing and the undiplomatic power-mongering right, then this really could be a classic.
We wait and hope. Here's what we know so far. Red Five Studios' attempt at making an open world shooter look fabulous in their Borderlands-style sci-fi cell-shadings, but it should play well, too, with the lead designers from World Of Warcraft and the original Tribes games both being involved in the genesis of this free-to-play beast.
Jetpacks and aliens and so forth make us quite excited about getting our hands on this. We talked to the team back when the game was announced. Tribes Ascend. When we're talking about multiplayer jetpack games, however, there's another name on the block: Tribes Ascend. Hi-Rez of Global Agenda and more jetpacks bought the Tribes licence and are now making their own game in the series. The free-to-play shooter is in beta right now and we're hearing some positive noises from in there.
Our own Mr Cobbett even had a cautious look at how it's getting on. End Of Nations. It'll be worth playing End Of Nations if just for the sheer amount of stuff you can get on screen. With huge maps full of strategically-manic players, this could be one of busiest multiplayer RTS games of all time, and it'll be free to play, too. Behold the prior coverage. Far Cry 3. That should hopefully be remedied in by the arrival of the third Far Cry game.
The second game received a mixed reception and so Ubi are claiming to have read the signs, understood the feedback, and put it together to create a jungle-island shooter to please everyone. Here's what Dan saw of the game at E3 last year. The big publishers might have decided that the age of turn-based games is at an end, but that doesn't mean they're right to do so.
Xenonauts is one game aiming to prove them wrong by making a game that resides firmly with the spirit of the incredible X-Com games. Will it take over the world in ? Take a look at what Alec thought when he previewed the game. GTA V. The chances that the PC version of GTA V will fall in do seem slim, but it's hard not to be intrigued by what the Rockstar chums will come up with for the fifth game in the series.
We've already seen that trailer, of course, but it will be the details which really make the gangster pudding Mmm, pudding. Anyway, a big game, however you look at it. Thi4f No, really, that is their logo. I'm sorry. Whether the ludicrous Thi4f nomenclature will survive into release, or whether the game will arrive in , these things are unclear.
What is clear is this: We are so excited about the studio that made Deus Ex: Human Revolution making a new Thief game, that we might have some kind of frantic episode. What we know about the mystery game so far is compiled here. Hitman: Absolution. Look, we're all disappointed that it's not actually called "Hitman: Subtitle", but that's just the way life is: unfair, po-faced, taking itself too seriously. Hopefully though the game will be more Blood Money and less What we know about the new killing game is here.
Spy Party. Gosh, this is a long list. Am I half way through writing it yet? Must be close. Anyway, Hecker's Spy Party - and one of the most exciting indie games ever, in my opinion - is one of those ludicrously ambitious game ideas: you attend a party and some of the people in there are spies.
Can you figure out which ones? There's actually a beta sign-up going on, so you can express your interest in discovering the spy just here. The Witness.
While we're on the topic of enormously ambitious and clever indie games we should probably mention that Jon Blow is making a PC-exclusive, The Witness. It's an open-world first-person puzzle game. That might sound a bit like something Cryo would have a go at if they were still around today, but there's every reason to expect that Blow's impressive brain will create something rewardingly complex and cerebrally tickling.
Reasons for this line of thinking can be found in this. I know. But I still want to play it, I think it's going to be a blast. The team making it are good at what they do, which is make shooty FPS games with lovely art, and that's exactly what's going on here, only with additional squad management and a sprinkling of alien-technology metagame. I can't wait to get my hands on it, frankly. Here's an interview.
There's every reason why this could be a splendid co-op shooter in a cyberpunk world. It's looking absurdly violent, too, so there's lots of scope for this to entertain us with exploding heads and evisceration. A tactical world-conquering isometric shooter it isn't, but there's scope for that elsewhere on this list. Everything we know about the new Syndicate can be found here.
Tomb Raider. Crystal Dynamics seem to know what they're doing with Tomb Raider, so it's encouraging to see them being given some freedom to remake the lady adventurer for a reboot.
Lara looks more realistic, younger, and for some reason much dirtier. We had a chat with Squeenix's Karl Stewart about what this all meant just here. Warlock: Master Of The Arcane. Civ with Wizards, or something like that. It looks right up our street, anyway, with a fantasy world draped across a big turn-based and multiplayer world of conquest. Paradox are hitting a lot of the right notes with their games for and this looks to be one of the most promising.
Mechwarrior Online. We don't know too much about Piranha's Mechwarrior Online, but we do know it'll be using "real" time against the Battletech universe's timeline from launch, and that it will be using CryEngine 3 to power its robot battles. The idea of a huge online war of the stompy robots - and free to play, too - is almost too thrilling for us to contemplate.
Here's hoping it's actually good! Dragon Commander. Mixing Larian's familiar RPG stuff with strategy and aerial dragon combat, Dragon Commander is one of the more unusual games due to hit in , and we're enormously interested to see how it will play out. Alec had a good look at it last year, and was intrigued. You can read what he had to say about it here. King Arthur II. I got a kick out of the original King Arthur game, thanks to its blending an RPG with something like a fantasy version of the Total War games.
If the sequel can offer a bit more polish then it could be one of the strongest strategy games in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The Counter-Strike games have been one of the most popular PC games since their inception in the mod scene years ago. Valve are updating it in with the release of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, in which the terrorists finally win.
Half of the time. I can think of a couple of games that ask us to save a little girl from horrors, but Amy's particular take on getting the girl out a zombie apocalypse looks wilfully unusual. Hugging the little girl herself will be one of the ways your character can stave off becoming a zombie herself, and it looks like there might be some grisly ends to not managing to stay human What we know about Amy is collected here.
Super Monday Night Combat. The new Monday Night Combat game, prefixed with what we hope is an indicative "Super", is going to be a PC-only free-to-play sort of thing, and it looks like it'll be just as wacky as the original game. Apparently it will be slower and more strategic than the first game, making things a little easier on players who aren't so comfortable with fast-paced combat stuff. World Of Warplanes. What to Expect From Marvel in IGN Logo Recommends.
Scream Ending Explained 3h ago - The Ghostface killer is back. Kirby and the Forgotten Land Logan Plant 8. Steam Deck George Yang God of War Jonathon Dornbush Ethan Winters' world suddenly comes crashing down when Chris Redfield's appearance sets off a chain of events that ultimately leads him to a mysterious village. A former soldier joins an eco-terrorist group in a mission against the electric power company he used to work for in order to protect the planet and all who reside on it.
After escaping execution, the last living Dragonborn must grow in strength and power to defeat the dragons that have once again begun to plague the land of Skyrim. Votes: 28, M Action, Adventure, Crime. With his back against the wall, Batman turns to his closest allies to help him save Gotham City from the clutches of Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight's army.
A familiar face also returns to give The Dark Knight a message he cannot ignore. Votes: 16, M Action, Adventure, Drama Post-production.
Spider-Man is back to save the city with his usual hero work, only this time he bonds with an alien substance known as symbiote which turns his hero days and personal life into something ugly. In medieval times, Geralt of Rivia, a member of a fading order of professional monster slayers known as Witchers, is on trail of Salamandra, a secretive crime syndicate that stole dangerous alchemical formulas from Witchers' fort. A catastrophic accident results in massive devastation. Blamed for the tragedy, the Avengers disband.
Five years later, with all super heroes outlawed and the world in peril, the only hope is to reassemble Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Directors: Shaun Escayg , Morgan W. Treasure hunter Nathan Drake, embarks in the adventure of his life searching for the legendary treasure, El Dorado while fighting a group of mercenaries.
Votes: 18, Armed with only the raw instincts and physical ability, experience Lara Croft's intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor. T Action, Adventure, Comedy. You play the newest employee of the paranormal investigations and eliminations business as a new wave of Gozer related hauntings plagues New York City.
Votes: 2, Each nation is associated with an element and worships a god associated with that element. A pair of twins arrive on Teyvat in the distant past, but are barred from leaving by an unknown god. Votes: T Action, Adventure, Family.
Highlighting our most anticipated RPGs set to launch by the end of this year. By Lucas M. Thomas Posted: 26 May am. With the current generation of consoles coming to a close and the next one just around the corner, the year ahead is shaping up to be one of the most exciting the gaming industry's ever seen — and the quality of the new releases just over the horizon looks better than ever, too.
All this week we've been highlighting some of our favorite upcoming titles scheduled to release before the end of , breaking them down by genre to help you get up to speed on what you'll be playing between today and New Year's Eve. On Monday we kicked things off with the Racing genre.